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    Stephanie Kelton on Modern Monetary Theory

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khaypwRG5C0 in short a government can spend it's way out of recession without even raising taxes , at least not in the beginning . very interesting new economical - monetary theory that will revolutionize the new century and will give capitalism a new lease in life .
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    President Obama's Inauguration Speech

    President Obama's Inauguration Speech 2013 your thoughts .
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    The Hidden History of the Second Amendment

    the Second Amendment never talked about the right of individuals to bare arms of any kind . certainly not for the protection against the Tyranny of government as some crazy libertarians claim . All it talks about is "regulated state militia " . All that came as an appeasement to the the...
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    The new deal is coming and amarica will be in the rise again . !

    The new deal is coming and America will be in the rise again ! . the Americans grew balls after all . the country is suffering still , the high unemployment , never the less the workers in wall mart and MacDonald dare walk away and demand higher wages . the last melt down , and OWS and the GOP...
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    Down With Reaganomics

    - I it is high time to send all Reaganomics , including tax cuts for the rich , to the garbage dump. and it is time to raise taxes to the level it was during FDR NEW DEAL . - Reaganomics are as poisonous to the economy as the Communism that was in the soviet union and eastern Europe ...
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    fiat currency is collapsing ?

    I thought it was important a subject to deserve a new thread . so heare we go ... it is not that simple ! . pigging currency to non non degradable metal like gold is more stabler and guaranteed value and less prune to inflation compared to fiat money which is more often is used to rub people...
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    Ron Paul ! can he muddy Mitt Romney ?

    I know most of non republican wouldn't take fox seriously but who know http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=s7Yi0t5sz-s after all there is limit to what money can buy .
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    Nobel Prize-winning physicist says global warming is hype

    Nobel Prize-winning physicist Ivar Giaever resigned as a Fellow from the American Physical Society Tuesday, condemning the group's official stand on global warming.
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    Osama bin Laden Letters

    UBL LETTERS an interesting reading !. http://www.scribd.com/doc/92241677/Bin-Laden-Raid-Documents-Translated
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    Putin definition of democracy

    Vladimir Putin in his speech at the Munich Press Conference in Germany defined democracy as : "democracy is the power of the majority in light of the interests and opinions of the minority." . when I think about this and try to see how accurate this is , I find it strikingly accurate . although...
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    how accurete is this ducumentry

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    When Did the GOP Lose Touch With Reality?

    A good read http://nymag.com/news/politics/conservatives-david-frum-2011-11/ excerpt :
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    The Video Congress Does Not Want You To See

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G96TY5JsV-s is this true ?
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    a funny britesh comedian

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    a funny britesh comedian

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    there is hope

    I think http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O93TR_p-qOg
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    will amarica waeke up ?

    If you think this graph illustrate the impoverishing of work force and and wiping out middle class . it is far more worse than that . just imagine wiping out every city and leaving only one city las vegas . it is more worse than that . just imagine wiping out every workplace and turning...