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  1. hopeforhopenick

    Any Single FFA?

    I'm curious of how many single FFAs exist, seems like there are none :doh:
  2. hopeforhopenick

    Dr. Drew Lifechangers

    Dr. Drew just called me. Which was a shock, how did he get my number? I guess he saw my videos, says im perfect personality, look, and size to be on his weight loss lifechager show... I really dont want to do a 1 hour show on national tv about myself....but kind of flattered the guy wants me...
  3. hopeforhopenick

    100 Chicken Mcnugget Challenge by 700 lb man!

    http://youtu.be/QonuHIG3uaM :eat2::eat2::eat2::eat2::eat2::eat2::eat2: Enjoy
  4. hopeforhopenick

    Who wants to dance with 700lbs of SEXINESS?

    http://youtu.be/UF4R07mxA3s :eat2: my newest video
  5. hopeforhopenick

    looking for love.....

    looking for love in the FFA/BHM world, any single ladies around? :wubu:
  6. hopeforhopenick

    Calendar of BHM

    Does any FFA have interest in a calendar of BHM? I'm thinking to do a calendar of myself, though im not really sure how to get it arranged, but i see a lot of gay interest, not sure of the ffa interest...
  7. hopeforhopenick

    New Videos of Me

    I had put videos on youtube before, but I just recently started putting them on again if anyone is interested http://www.youtube.com/user/hopeforhopenick :)