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Dimensions Magazine

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    Melissa Mc Carthy

    She is now losing weight, jumped on the diet wagon. All for her new clothing line launch. Last year she was quite happy not to diet. Why do people change?
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    Locked out!

    Hi, has anyone else here been locked out of their account on Dims due to someone attempting to log into your account with the wrong password? It's happened to me twice this week. The I.P. addresses were in Ukraine and Newark, NJ. :mad:
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    Virgin Flying.

    I was looking at flights on line and found something that may be interesting, annoying, confusing or all three. You can fly as an adult with your children (ages three or above) or have a "lap infant" age 0 to 2 years. Surely a lap infant on an adults lap is the equivalent of a person of plus...
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    Hi, just siting here thinking about regrets. Mine, well I am now an older guy, 52 to be precise and have always had a thing for fat. I am at a point in my life where I am comfortably confident and would love to gain weight but my age/health are now concerns, greater than they would be if I...
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    Posting pics

    I need some advice. How does one post a pic on Dims? The file size allowed is way under what my camera takes even when set to 1.1 Mp. Thanks.
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    Just a question

    Does anyone remember a girl who went by the name of Big sexy 920?
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    A question for the ladies.

    Hi, I am a infrequent poster here but I have a question to ask. I'm a FA and a bit of a foodee too. Anyway, I was 225 pounds until I quit my physically demanding job back in July of this year. It was just too much for me working here in the Texas heat....my age of 51 is not helping. So, I've...
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    Naturally fat?

    I am! I am fifty years old, male, physically active (work outside in Texas fixing RV'S), do not over eat and yet I am obese! It is genetic. My parents, grand parents were also plus size. To all those morons who say it is a lifestyle choice to be fat, I say screw them. Sorry to be so blunt...
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    Lovely foodee chefess.

    Anyone seen or heard of Andrea Farnham? She has a show on Public TV where she cooks her recipes. I caught the last couple of minutes of a show and WOW....what a beauty. A hot BBW. I found one pic of her back from 2006 and by what I saw this morning, she has certainly packed on a whole bunch...
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    Appetite enhancers

    Hi, has anyone tried appetite enhancers/stimulants and if so, which ones and what were the results. There seems to be many of them out there but cant find any information on if they actually work. Only looking for natural/herbal and not prescription drugs. Thanks.