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  1. Frank Castle

    The Doughnut Box - by Frank Castle

    This is an old story of mine. It's a fanfic based on the Trigun anime. Yeah, I know what the the sentiment may be here, but, a story is a story: "The Doughnut Box " (a Trigun story) by Frank Castle Trigun Chapter I: The Addiction "Where did he go now?" said Meryl. She lost Vash The...
  2. Frank Castle

    I challenge chippy!

    I challenge you, chippy, to a duel!
  3. Frank Castle

    Professional Wrestling

    Any wrestling fans here?
  4. Frank Castle

    looking for this t-shirt

    My friend at school had this t-shirt on, it was one of those mudflap girl t-shirts, exept that the girl was fat. Do any of you know where to go to get one?
  5. Frank Castle

    How open are you?

    ..About being an FA? i'm very much open, almost everyone at school knows.
  6. Frank Castle

    Professional Wrestling

    Yeah, so lets talk about wrestling.
  7. Frank Castle

    Whatever happened to....

    This one SSBBW, her name was Bebop, I forget her full name. She had a website, Bebop's place. Does anyone know what happened to her?
  8. Frank Castle

    when did you first discover you were an FA?

    I became an FA when i was around 11 or 12, becuase i do remember being 13 when i found dimensions for the first time.
  9. Frank Castle

    An idea for the forum

    How about a story forum, becuase i'm sure many writers have stuff they want to show us and this way you could pick the best ones for the weight room. What do you think?
  10. Frank Castle

    Question for the SSBBWs

    Hi, i've always thought about this, so heres my question: Do any of you have any side effects from being so big, like diabeties for example? I'm sorry if this seems too personal, but i'm just curious.
  11. Frank Castle

    I should introduce my self.

    My name is Frank Castle, I have been an FA for five years and I can say that i'm happy to be here. I run a message board called PAWG, Premier Anime Weight Gain, we deal with anime expansion which inculdes weight gain and the like. I hope to meet new friends here and be a productive member of the...