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  1. Waxwing

    Fun pointless revenge

    So I was irritated that I almost got scammed for an apartment recently, and I have the person's email address (it's a legit address). I'm signing them up for every stupid ass email newsletter I can find. Except I'm running out of ideas. So any catalog (the lamer the better), newsletter...
  2. Waxwing

    new medication worries

    This isn't about any particular medication, but does anyone else get incredibly nervous when taking a new medication for the first time? I just took my first Carisoprodol to (if the fates smile on me) unlock my jaw. As someone who is pretty drug-friendly you'd think that I'd be cool with...
  3. Waxwing

    Vegetable Recipes for All!

    Every week I get a produce delivery, and it contains whatever is local and seasonal. As great as it is, I sometimes find myself wondering what to do that's new and exciting with my metric ton of Kale. Vegetables are great, but it's easy to fall into a rut with them. If you usually eat your...
  4. Waxwing

    Dark Knight tonight

    Anyone else going at midnight?
  5. Waxwing

    Tell me about buttermilk!

    I've never had buttermilk, or cooked with it, and I'm intrigued. I hear it's wonderful. So let's talk about buttermilk. How do you guys like to use it?
  6. Waxwing

    Should I let my cat outside?

    Random pet question time! Lately my cat has become mad crazy guy, wanting to get outside constantly, whining at the windows and scratching at the doors while howling (yes, he is neutered). He's never been outside, since I was raised with the SPCA "omg never let the cat out" mentality. But...
  7. Waxwing

    Four Thousand Posts!

    Being the giant dork that I am, I just had to publicly celebrate my four thousandth post. 4000!!!!! (my power is not yet over 9000, but soon...)
  8. Waxwing

    Sorghum. Was ist?

    I'm watching some low-rent documentary on the Travel Channel about the "best places to pig out"...anyway, there's some restaurant which serves dinner rolls with sorghum. What is this "sorghum" of which they speak? Is it the same as regular molasses?
  9. Waxwing

    Damn you, Spielberg!!!!

    I waited years for this. I was so exited. My expectations were so high. But you had to go and ruin it. And on my birthday. Shame on you. Dr. Jones is still and will always be amazing but WHY DID YOU HAVE TO RUIN IT!? It could have been So Good. But you....you....dammit. PS: is Lucas...
  10. Waxwing

    Stupid crap you can't believe you just figured out

    (thread idea stolen from another board) We're smart people. But very often we remain oblivious to things that should have been obvious from the start. I was 27 before I realized that Odwalla's beverage "C Monster" was a pun. Ditto for the Sleepy's Mattress Co. slogan, "Trust Sleepy's...
  11. Waxwing

    You know what we need?

  12. Waxwing

    New Food Network show

    Since we all seem to be irritated by so many of the Food Network people-- have you seen the new show Cooking for Real with Sunny Anderson? She's so likable and cute! Argh love her!
  13. Waxwing

    Does anyone have a Demonoid account?

    Demonoid reg is closed right now, and I'm champing at the bit to get in. Does anyone have a code or -- if you have an account will you PLEASE invite me? Email is [email protected] Thanks, kids. --Your loving Waxwing.
  14. Waxwing

    Food trends that irritate you

    If you can think of a better subject like, please do. But little things like "all vegetarians are supposed to like eggplant and I hate it!" or "commercial jerk sauce is crap!". You get the idea. Here's mine for the day: CHILI DOES NOT BELONG ON NACHOS. EVER.
  15. Waxwing

    Hacking for the People

    I thought it would be fun to make a thread of your favorite hacks. Computer hacks, product hacks, life hacks. There's a lot of amazing work being done in the manipulation of goods to make them better, more personal, more fun. Make magazine is one of my favorite things to read, and if I had a...
  16. Waxwing

    Tabasco mash

    Gather 'round, my friends, and let me tell you the tale of the Tabasco Mash: An acquaintance of mine is from Louisiana-- specifically near Avery Island where Tabasco is made. He goes home for visits now and again, and always returns with a few huge containers of Tabasco mash. That is what's...
  17. Waxwing

    Transcendent Rickroll

    No, I don't rickroll people and agree that it's old and stupid. BUT. Epic rickroll, kids. Have you guys seen the Muppet Rickroll? It could not be more awesome. Somehow I had never seen it. I love it. It's Muppets. Rolf is there, you guys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxitX4UNkxo *I'm sure...
  18. Waxwing

    Anyone have a free floor on the 20th?

    I've already pissed and moaned about this all over the board, but I'm hoping that some kind soul may have a spare bit of floor to offer me on the 20th and 21st. I know it's short notice, and this is a terribly hippie kind of thing to ask (and something I hate doing) but I've been invited to some...
  19. Waxwing

    Screen Actuhs Guild

    What kind of a dork am I that I'm not only watching the awards but the painfully-inane PRE SHOW? :doh:
  20. Waxwing

    ..Bad dates

    No, not a Raiders of the Lost Ark reference, but spectacularly bad romantic encounters. I'm sure there have been threads like this before, but I had a particularly bad date the other night and thought I would share: I had been out with this dude a couple of times before, and the other...