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  1. luvmybhm

    cooking shows

    i watched the master chef celebrity cook off show tonight. i agreed with most of the decisions except the champs vs kids. regardless, it was fun viewing. i adore the cooking shows. i do like the masterchef junior version better than the adults, but i watch both. i used to sit through hell's...
  2. luvmybhm

    hair issues

    i need some advice on my hair. my natural hair is fine texture, poker straight and salt and pepper. thanks to my good friend, ms. clairol, it is currently a sandy color blonde. when i am just at home, i don't really do much to it other than put it up in a clip in the back when it is warm...
  3. luvmybhm

    Easter- What's for Dinner

    I got a beef roast to cook in the crock pot. I am also going to make mashed and green beans. I got King Hawaiian rolls as my father-in-law likes to eat bread with his meals. Hub is going to get some Easter colored cupcakes tomorrow while he is out to have for dessert. My mother in law is...
  4. luvmybhm

    jersey bash?

    i used to post on here then got caught up in life...got married, had baby, etc. they used to have a dims jersey bash. do they not do that anymore?
  5. luvmybhm

    bathing suits for everyone ads

    i was randomly internet-ing tonight and found this as a link off of aol. a company who sells plus sized bathing suits recreated some swimsuit issue shots using plus sized models. they look beautiful. thought i would share...
  6. luvmybhm

    diet coke and breast cysts

    I went to the doctor yesterday for my yearly exam. Everything was going peachy...bp was good...sugar was good...etc. My doctor did a breast exam as part of my physical. She noted I had several small cysts in my breasts. She said they did not feel irregular and I didn't have any of the other...
  7. luvmybhm


    we had a bbq on saturday for family and friends. had tons of leftovers even after sending plates home with family. i decided to wing it and try to make something to use up some leftovers. i boiled the leftover veg from the veggie platter (carrots, broccoli, celery and grape tomatoes) along...
  8. luvmybhm


    is anyone watching the cosmos reboot with neil degrasse tyson? i love it! i wish there were more science shows that were this well done and interesting. the graphics are amazing, he puts science in an understandable format and not like listening to someone read stereo instructions. i...
  9. luvmybhm

    oil pulling

    I read online that oil pulling (swishing oil in your mouth for like 15 minutes) is supposed to be good for your oral hygiene and overall health. I bought some extra virgin coconut oil to try. It is a solid at room temp and melts when you put it in your mouth to swish. The problem is that I...