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  1. N

    getting over u

    this is how it started. found out I had a fat fetish. got into FF big time. I can say that im very addicted to it, spouse forbids me to go back on. got into a guy from Denmark and sparks flew. he is 60 im50 both married. we shared our wildest fantasies with each other for 5 mos. on FB...
  2. N

    new,bigger clothes!!!!

    Hi there everyone. Couldnt wait till i got home to post. I got sick of trying to fit in clothes that are small on me and it hurt my growing belly. never had to wear 22-24 2X. i love gaining i feel so sexy (hubby doesnt mind either) bigger bras n undies too. OMG im just so happy. i dieted for...
  3. N

    i am gaining

    hi there. Never thought i would step on my scale n get a little rush to see a substantial gain. i was scared to start gaining after being on diets for 40 years but........... im starting to love myself again. ive hated myself for being big. at 49 im finally feeling like me. 2 yrs ago i...
  4. N

    whats wrong with me

    I am a real newbie here but not to the realization that maybe I should start loving myself ,apron n all!!! I had hated my big belly for yrs. yo yo for 40 yrs. Now I am very sexually aroused when I go on all these awesome sites im starting to see that maybe I need to gain weight for a...