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  1. TheOwl

    BBW A Change for the Fatter - by Swordfish

    I have always looked forward to a new story by Swordfish to read and this one certainly did not disappoint.
  2. TheOwl

    BBW Groundhog Day - by Marlow

    This is the best new story I have read in ages.
  3. TheOwl

    Fit2Fat2? By TheOwl (~BBW~Stuffing~~MWG)

    Week 13 Monday, 24th September It really did feel painful getting up so early, I seem to have gotten used to having a lie in, so to get up at four was a real shock to the system. As we drove to the airport it was really lashing it down with rain, which only made me extra glad we are getting...
  4. TheOwl

    Fit2Fat2? By TheOwl (~BBW~Stuffing~~MWG)

    Week 10 Monday, 3rd September Even with all the cutting back I did at the start of last week having realised I am now overweight for the first time in my life, I still managed to gain another couple pounds when I stepped on the scale this morning. But then I guess by the end of the week I...
  5. TheOwl

    Fit2Fat2? By TheOwl (~BBW~Stuffing~~MWG)

    Week 9 Monday, 27th August Knew it was a possibility from what I weighed last week and I really had not been cutting back on the food much either. But the four pounds each of the last two weeks was enough to take my weight up to one hundred and sixty six pounds. Which I know very well from...
  6. TheOwl

    Fit2Fat2? By TheOwl (~BBW~Stuffing~~MWG)

    Week 7 Monday, 13th August Well this week up another three pounds, actually kind of relieved it is only three pounds given that I probably was even lazier than last week and ate probably slightly more. This week was the first time I noticed looking at the comparison photos I have done for...
  7. TheOwl

    Lose the Battle; Win the War by NKT - ]~BBW, Realistic, Mild Sex, ~SWG

    Decided to reread the story before looking at the knew stuff, so it took a while, but finally up-to-date. Kind of scared the new parts would not be as good as the old, but need not of worried it is all excellent.
  8. TheOwl

    Fit2Fat2? By TheOwl (~BBW~Stuffing~~MWG)

    [Authors note: Shorter version for these couple of weeks together as I spent most of my spare time watching the Olympics, will be a longer for week 7] Week 5 Monday, July 30th I know a lot of people dread Monday morning arriving because it is back to work, but I am definitely starting to...
  9. TheOwl

    Fit2Fat2? By TheOwl (~BBW~Stuffing~~MWG)

    Week 4 Monday, July 23rd Third weigh in and I have put on another four pounds, so much for the weight gain slowing down, that is a pound more than last week. At least on the plus I really have now got a decent buffer to ease of on the munching in future weeks now. ***** A second nice hot day...
  10. TheOwl

    Looking for a story

    It seems people are always trying to find elroycohen stories. Believe the one you want is The True Sugar Daddy
  11. TheOwl

    Fit2Fat2? By TheOwl (~BBW~Stuffing~~MWG)

    Well I loved it (being British may have something to do with it) and can you seriously say it was more boring than any of Miguel Indurain's five victories.
  12. TheOwl

    Fit2Fat2? By TheOwl (~BBW~Stuffing~~MWG)

    Week 3 Monday, July 16th Weigh in this week had me up to one hundred and forty four pounds, another three since last week. I still don’t not like that I have put on weight but relieved it was not as much of as a gain as last week. Well that is nine down thankfully only forty one to go, not a...
  13. TheOwl

    Fit2Fat2? By TheOwl (~BBW~Stuffing~~MWG)

    If my plan is anything to go by it will be pretty long. More than fifty pound, who know? Oh I do.
  14. TheOwl

    TheOwl's Thread

    Fit2Fat2? - A woman is pressured to gain for six months and then lose weight the following six month by her boss at the gym she works at. Two weeks in so far and have a plenty of ideas where this story is going for the next fifty (although do not intend to do every week), but if you have any...
  15. TheOwl

    Fit2Fat2? By TheOwl (~BBW~Stuffing~~MWG)

    Week 2 Monday, July 9th Woke up with one hell of a hangover and only made worse when my head kicked into gear and I realised I was going to have to step on the scale soon. Some fried eggs and bacon and a mug of coffee later and my head was feeling a bit better but it only made the weigh in more...
  16. TheOwl

    Fit2Fat2? By TheOwl (~BBW~Stuffing~~MWG)

    I love MotoGP good to see Dani win and Casey crashing out (don't know why but really don't like Stoner) at Sachsenring to keep the title interesting. Still missing Marco, seemed like a great guy. Never know might work it into the story more another week.
  17. TheOwl

    Sarah the Expanding Cheerleader - by Cylon Bob (~BBW, Imagery, Eating, ~MWG )

    Surely not a bad thing rereading a story like this.
  18. TheOwl

    Fit2Fat2? By TheOwl (~BBW~Stuffing~~MWG)

    Week 1 - Continued July 3rd Yesterday I just has my usual breakfast of cornflakes and skimmed milk, seen as it was before the first weigh in. I have always had breakfast as it makes it much less likely that I’d end up having something unhealthy later in the morning and just makes for a good...
  19. TheOwl

    Fit2Fat2? By TheOwl (~BBW~Stuffing~~MWG)

    Week 1 July 2nd So to kick this little experiment off I had to do an intro video about what I was hoping to show in this experience, it was awkward talking up this as my idea when I really hated the idea but I am sure no one could tell how fake my smile was. At the end of the video I also...
  20. TheOwl

    Fit2Fat2? By TheOwl (~BBW~Stuffing~~MWG)

    Fit2Fat2? By TheOwl The Idea Mike the owner of the gym where I work left a message on my mobile to say that he wanted to see me in his office this morning, before I do my Zumba class. He has never asked me to come to his office before in the three years I have worked there and I will admit to...