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  1. S

    Shoshie stacks it on

    You are absolutely right. It is none of my business, and I have no idea what happened with the first two. However, I might possibly be one of a just few people in here who are really concerned about her health, both physically and mentally. I knew I would be chastised for speaking out. But...
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    Shoshie stacks it on

    I know, it's none of my business but I have to say this... I'm not trying to be mean or hurtful. But you seem like such a nice girl, who is willing to give a lot of herself to someone. I pray that your bf doesn't fatten you up to over 400lbs and then leave you like he did the last two.
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    Feeding Machine

    Anyone remember the artwork (I think it was on the fatten up web site but maybe it was some other FNGA site) where a woman was lying face up on a table with a feeding machine pumping something into her belly? :)
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    Fattening Foods

    Potatoes with honey? That's a joke right? Make yourself some cupcakes hon and use my grandmother's icing recipe made with vegetable shortening: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/best-white-icing-ever/detail.aspx Have some cheesecake in between the cupcakes :)
  5. S

    What is your weight right now?

    Wow... just checked out your pics. You carry those pounds beautifully.
  6. S

    Shoshie stacks it on

    I truly wish you all the happiness that life can bring...
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    BBWs that enjoy eating "too much"

    Hmmm... Was? yes. Has always been? Don't think so. I've never heard of John Pinette. But I did see Louie do this routine. Looks like someone "borrowed it" from someone else. :blink:
  8. S

    BBWs that enjoy eating "too much"

    Hey, I remember that routine... It was Louie Anderson at a Chinese all-you-can-eat buffet. Manager looks out from the kitchen, shaking his fist he says "Why you here four owa? You scare my wife!" Very funny guy.
  9. S

    Bill "O'Really?" and faux Fox News on healthcare

    The insanity among progressives is truly scary. They hate Fox because Fox is the only place to get all the facts. The more they hear the truth the more they foam at the mouth.
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    Obama Scores...GOAL GOAL GOAL GOAL GOAL.....

    Do you people think that a government run health care program will allow you to get as fat as you want? The war on fat has already begun.
  11. S

    Most weight gained in a year?

    Wow... You are the woman in all of my fantasies...
  12. S

    Let the conspiracy theories begin...

    Who the hell Is Tobey Keith??? Like I said, I just pointed out something that is obvious to any unbiased individual. I wouldn’t expect anyone who has been sipping on the kool-Aid to see this. It is kind of funny to see such a pitifully desperate attempt to keep the "Bush hating" alive. I’ve...
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    Let the conspiracy theories begin...

    In what respect? Surely you aren't going to say that the media carried George Bush into the White House! I don't remember hearing any folk songs about Bush either. Besides... What does George Bush have to do with Obama's election?
  14. S

    Let the conspiracy theories begin...

    The "sour grapes" analogy doesn't apply here (Look up Esop's Fables). In any case, I'm simply making an observation... One that is clear to any unbiased individual. I also think it is creepy the way people were mesmerized over him, like he’s the pied piper from Chicago or something...
  15. S

    Let the conspiracy theories begin...

    There's no conspiracy here... The media chose Obama to be president, and then ushered him into the White House.
  16. S

    Weight Gain Powders, etc.

    Seems like there must be some better alternative which is intended for human consumption. I know some weight gain shakes taste like crap but couldn't you make your own with vanilla ice cream and heavy cream? Maybe drinking that to wash down some extra servings of cheesecake or pecan pie??? I...
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    "I Love Those Guys that Love Bellies" appreciation thread

    Ok... Well I hardly ever post anything around here but once in a while a subject comes up where I feel compelled to chime in. I adore big bellys! As far as I am concerned there is nothing in this world more feminine and more alluring than a huge stomach on a woman. I mean it's not even sexual...
  18. S

    Demanding an apology from you Bush voters

    Now I remember why I don't read this forum...:doh:
  19. S

    Tube Feeding, Any Suggestions?

    There are quite a few regulars here who will tear you to pieces if you say something they don't agree with. Just read back through the forums and you will see who they are.