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  1. FatAcquiescence

    Meeting the Parents

    Hello, I posted here before with a FA vs non-FA sex question and got great feedback (and a fired up desire to experience a FA as a lover:batting: ). I am a quiet member, but enjoy reading all the posts and replies. I have a question about feelings/reactions regarding meeting a significant...
  2. FatAcquiescence

    Newbie Sex Question/Reflection

    Wow, thanks so much for all the great responses and input. For the record, the shirt in the picture was from my going away party when I moved from Texas to Oregon. As for the FA advice, I feel a whole new world opening up for me...
  3. FatAcquiescence

    Newbie Sex Question/Reflection

    Hello, I am new to this site. I was recently referred by a member I met at Fat Girl Speaks in Portland. I have always been very interested in sexuality (well, and sex in general) and this community has made me reflect on a few things I have never really examined before. I am very pro-body...