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  1. Dafatguy

    Lavender Lady

  2. Dafatguy

    BBW from Georgia

    Hi Beth!
  3. Dafatguy

    Looking for story based off "Gorging of Stupifyin' Jones"

    Hi, I'm looking for the fiction story that based of the Lil Abner "Gorging of Stupifyin' Jones." It was about a beautiful librarian that moves to a small town and the wives in town get so jealous of her they start to fatten her up. If anyone has the link, I would be in your debt. Thanks a million!!
  4. Dafatguy

    NAAFA's June Fat Friday Social Club June 24th, 5:30pm, Pacific time

    "Just because things could've been different doesn't mean they could've been better." Love that line
  5. Dafatguy

    BHM/FFAs Introduce yourself here

    Welcome, Luxe!
  6. Dafatguy

    Opt in for Fetish/Erotica Stories!

    Hi, I would like to opt in too, please. Thank you!
  7. Dafatguy

    BHM Thursday's at the Diner (BHM, FFA, Feeding, Sexual Content)

    No worries, thanks for the kind words, Tiggy!
  8. Dafatguy

    Dad Bods!

    Dad bod here!
  9. Dafatguy

    Belly library (men/women)

    Here's another
  10. Dafatguy

    Belly library (men/women)

  11. 13553072-e030-4050-96df-f99b8af55422.jpeg


  12. 75c7a514-a845-4fe7-9e6e-944a3d8b54e4.jpg


  13. 081b9b8a-6dca-4827-8fdd-b5891456ff9a.jpg


  14. f6cca92f-e480-44fe-ab1f-3d65f8cb0ad4.jpg


  15. Dafatguy

    Funny Pictures, Cartoons, and Memes Thread

    Thank you, Sir!
  16. Dafatguy

    Funny Pictures, Cartoons, and Memes Thread

    Hi, Does anyone know the name of the artist who drew this and if they have a web page? Thanks!
  17. Dafatguy

    Mandatory stay at home weight gain?

    I can tell my shorts and pants are getting tighter just in the past three weeks ...
  18. Dafatguy

    Comment by 'Dafatguy' in media 'rehearsedinner'

  19. Dafatguy

    Comment by 'Dafatguy' in album 'A few chins'

    Love the chins, you're gorgeous!!