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  1. A

    BBW Lady Luck - by Marlow

    The amount of effort that's obviously gone into this is completely nuts. I started on a new serialized story a while ago and quickly let it fade away due to quarantine brain (still hoping to return to it at some point)—the fact that you were able to keep this going over a literal year of...
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    BBW Artful Increase (~BBW, ~~WG, Historical, LGBTQ)

    (cont.) It was queer—the look in his eyes as he said it was a fire, almost like lust. Cec knew it wasn’t for her but for what she could do for him—whatever that was. But it gave her a funny feeling all the same, one that made her want to look elsewhere. Instead, she kept her eyes fixed on his...
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    BBW Artful Increase (~BBW, ~~WG, Historical, LGBTQ)

    Chapter Three Ms. Forthwith’s room was the neatest of the place, though it was still littered with odds and ends—baubles and glints covered the chest she kept at the foot of the bed, and Cec knew far more than that was inside the chest. Things to have melted down or disassembled, things to...
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    BBW Artful Increase (~BBW, ~~WG, Historical, LGBTQ)

    Chapter Two His true name no one knew—he made a habit of keeping it to himself, he’d told Cecily and Ms. Forthwith and the rest on more than one occasion. “No man may own me, not a piece of me, and that includes my name—I expect one day, when I marry, even my own wife will know me as Gentleman...
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    BBW Artful Increase (~BBW, ~~WG, Historical, LGBTQ)

    Chapter One Cecily’s morning had barely begun, and it was already in tatters. The baby had cried through the night—the latest baby, which Ms. Forthwith had named Susan in keeping with the last three. “At my age one can’t be bothered with too much new information,” she’d huffed at Cecily when...
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    BBW Artful Increase (~BBW, ~~WG, Historical, LGBTQ)

    ~BBW, ~~WG, Historical, LGBTQ – A young urchin given a chance at better prospects finds herself embroiled in a world of appetite, desire, and the lowest of foul play. (A reimagining of Sarah Waters' novel Fingersmith / its film adaptation The Handmaiden—one that introduces certain other...
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    BBW Lady Luck - by Marlow

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    Orson Welles as Falstaff

    As good a place as any to say watch Chimes at Midnight!!! It's Welles' cinematic adaptation of Henry IV and Henry V centered around Falstaff, and it's not only his best movie but probably the best Shakespeare film of all time. Streaming on Criterion Channel. :D
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    BBW Lady Luck - by Marlow

    Ahh, a new adventure from you is the perfect quarantine companion!
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    BBW Consumption and Catharsis (~BBW, ~~WG, Fairy Tale)

    V. Time passed in a patchwork of details. The way the gingerbread’s flavor seemed to change with the seasons—spicy with summery zest when Gretel had first arrived, it deepened into a more savory mélange as the autumn leaves fell, before the winter snows lent it a peppery warmth. The way in...
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    BBW Consumption and Catharsis (~BBW, ~~WG, Fairy Tale)

    Why thank you! Looking forward to concluding it, right now holidays/Star Wars have me too buzzed to think about putting anything coherent down for the space of several hundred words :P
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    BBW Consumption and Catharsis (~BBW, ~~WG, Fairy Tale)

    IV. Gretel remembered Hansel during those months of captivity—the desperation as he extended a bone for the witch to feel when she told him to let her see how fat he’d gotten, hoping that her near-blindness wasn’t just some cruel trick, some ruse to give him hope before she snatched it away and...
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    BBW Consumption and Catharsis (~BBW, ~~WG, Fairy Tale)

    III. When the first month had passed, Gretel staged a celebration. The walls of the house, by this time, were pockmarked, full of scrape marks where its new resident had dug into the gingerbread and extracted pieces. The icing cushions on the furniture were gone completely. The rafts looked as...
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    Top 3?

    Thanks for the heads-up! The story in question was in the old-old library, so it's only available in the Wayback Machine now—no aspersions were intended to be cast at the current moderators.
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    Top 3?

    1. Phantom Gains, Marlow I love a ton of Marlow's stories about equally, but this is the one I return to the most so I'm using it to stand for all of them. In addition to being ridiculously sexy (I love the sheer hedonism they bring as well as their frequent hiccup/burp fanservice) and...
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    BBW Consumption and Catharsis (~BBW, ~~WG, Fairy Tale)

    II. The next day it was maple sugar for breakfast—the doorknob, as it turned out, was solid tree sap, collapsing into grit against Gretel’s teeth with a satisfying shattering feeling—followed by more milk, then a dinnerplate-sized chunk of chocolate door, and then a sliver of peppermint...
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    BBW Consumption and Catharsis (~BBW, ~~WG, Fairy Tale)

    BBW, fairy tale, WG – To find solace from nightmares years past, a young woman returns to the forest. Awaiting her is a very special house made of very special materials. Consumption and Catharsis by Abalyn I. When Gretel returned, ten years later, the house was exactly as she’d left it...