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  1. S

    Lets take back the 'Þ'!

    I thought you were restarting the rug muncher discussion. Disappointed!
  2. S

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    That's interesting - I hadn't heard that before (about fat women not needing to gain with pregnancy). I guess it means that you are in fact still losing, since weight and nutrition and all that good stuff are going to the baby. Does that make sense? LOL. As long as you both check out okay, then...
  3. S

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    But... aren't you *supposed* to gain weight? I don't know a lot about pregnancy, but I think it's the one time where everyone says it's okay to gain! All that matters is that you're both happy 'n healthy, though :happy:.
  4. S

    Health Confessions Thread

    I feel bad for anyone that lives in Virginia :(
  5. S

    Um, Hyde Park?

    Of course not - they herd peacocks too, ya know! Edit: A fat peacock.
  6. S

    Um, Hyde Park?

    THIS. Q for effing T. That 'weight loss' Joy so brilliantly mentions is being perceived (by some) as a not-so-subtle attempt at weeding out anyone who's not rah!-rah!-fat!-rah!-rah! 24/7. Is that truly the aim? It's hard to escape the reduction of topics that were of much interest to fat...
  7. S

    First politics--now oral sex??

    It does indeed seem to be gone. A shame... I found some of it interesting to read. Note to Management: If there's some grand plan about re-working this place into something.... else, could we be clued in? Instead of just having posts, threads and entire forums yanked out with no initial...
  8. S

    Um, Hyde Park?

    I was glad to see Teh 'Park go - initially. I hated it. But - I was unaware just how much it's demise was going to change the entire landscape here. And boy, has it ever. Now it's all-fat-all-the-time. Sure, there's no risk of seeing other sides to people, but the downside of that is that...
  9. S

    Doomed Thread Titles

    "When does a sexual fantasy signify mental illness or personality disorder?"
  10. S

    **~*** NJ Bash Photo Thread ***~**

    It's always best to avoid direct and specific superlatives when speaking to a group (especially if you're speaking about that very group). The way you complimented Sparkgirl back there, you slighted others (albeit unintentionally I'm assuming) by saying Spark was better than everyone else. It's...
  11. S

    Is Lady Ga-Ga a Man?

    Notice how you never see Lady Gaga and Vin Diesel together in the same place at the same time? *ominous music swell here* I'm just sayin'.
  12. S

    **~*** NJ Bash Photo Thread ***~**

    Tact. You're doing it wrong.
  13. S

    The thread for random single confessions Part buttered rolls

    If you appear in public looking like this, I will be compelled to weed-whack those bad boys on sight.
  14. S

    Stomach Rupture

    So how's it feel to have a death fetish?
  15. S

    The thread for random single COMPLAINTS -- complain anew!

    I wanna rupture his BRAIN.
  16. S

    Stomach Rupture

    Dude... he said NO. What do you want, pictures of her guts all over the walls?
  17. S

    I'm not even sure where to begin...

    This is all so sad. Your "friend" (as if!) has all the power and control... with no real consequences for her outrageous behavior. It won't change unless and until you find this absolutely unacceptable, and enforce that new position resolutely.