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  1. Jay_cm


    Well, Im glad my comment has led to an interesting exchange of information on where to acquire proper support.😄
  2. Jay_cm


    Hi, Sorry, I know this is a really old post but I'm still tying to figure out how this forum works. The reason Im writing is becauseI was just so dumbfounded by that number (48FFF). Its so big my mind cannot even process it, does sound like a lot of work though (must get on the way of everything).
  3. Jay_cm

    What are you happy about today?

    True. I guess the worst thing we had to deal with for the last couple of months was state lockouts. Fared my better than other places.
  4. Jay_cm

    What Are You Watching Right Now?

    Rewatching Star Trek's The Next Generation.
  5. Jay_cm

    Classical Music Appreciation

    Arvo Pärt Cantus in memoriam Benjamin Britten
  6. Jay_cm

    What are you happy about today?

    Just came back from Sydney. Was stuck in a house with no air con o_O. At one stage i was drinking beer in the lounge room at 3am cause it was too hot in the rooms upstairs! Only to return to Adelaide for more of the same...cruel nature.
  7. Jay_cm

    Comment by 'Jay_cm' in media 'A bit of booty'

    Yep, gonna have to agree with everyone else on this.
  8. Jay_cm

    Where is everyone from

    Nice, I spend about a week a month in Sydney. Must be nice to be out of the frantic city.
  9. Jay_cm

    Where is everyone from

    Australia, usually Adelaide or Sydney.
  10. Jay_cm

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    Bloody covid gave me grey beard hairs @35. haha
  11. Jay_cm

    The Introduction Thread Part 2

    I'm Jay from Australia. Love music and wine. I work in a lab so that makes me a bit nerdy by default. Salsa dancing is my workout of preference. Didn't even know this forum existed until a couple of days ago! Cheers!
  12. Jay_cm

    About The Erotica Thread?

    May I opt in. Thanks in advance.