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Dimensions Magazine

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  1. J

    Changes due to gaining

    Since gaining some of the changes I've noticed - just feel feeling a lot heavier and lazier. It's harder to get moving. If I'm sitting in the couch I can feel the weight of my stomach and thighs keeping me down. If I have to get up I have to sort of rock myself up to gain momentum My...
  2. J

    Unintentionally hot comments

    For me it's been comments from my partner's mother..I used to be very thin when I first met my partner and put on a lot since..especially over quarantine... My partner's mother comments about how nicely I've filled out and says I've got a lovely figure now and is glad I'm "finally eating well"...
  3. J

    I was skinny and then got fat

    First off this is a bit tough to share. I've been struggling with the embarassment that comes with this..combined with this urge to just let it happen and give into wherever this leads. Long story short..I used to be really thin. Like 5'8 and 115 lbs thin, bones jutting out, people were...