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  1. I

    Hypothetical: How fat would you get if it was only for 24 hours?

    I think I'd want to be 300 pounds so I could be fat but still mobile. I'd love to feel my whole body jiggle when I walk, and I think it would be fun to try fitting into a tiny bikini at that size. Also, I'd like to see how much food I could fit in that big of a belly because I think it would...
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    FA/FFA Who was Your First Plus-Sized Crush?

    I always felt fascinated by the fat women on weight loss shows, but the first plus size woman I felt consciously attracted to was Jamie Zella. I was looking at body positivity posts because I was feeling insecure about my own body, and then suddenly I stumbled upon pics of her. I would say she...
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    Come on in Ladies and introduce your selves!

    Thank you @AmyJo1976! I've only been here for a few days, but I've already found a lot of helpful information!
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    Come on in Ladies and introduce your selves!

    Hi ladies! I’m Isabel, I’m 18, and I just started getting into the feeding community. I think I’m both a gainer and a FA. I’ve been pretty skinny all my life, but I discovered my fat kink a little over a year ago and I want to try gradually putting on some weight. In my free time, I love reading...
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    Trying to gain while recovering from an eating disorder

    Yeah, that’s very relatable to me! Just a few days ago, I ate a bunch of food and got seriously bloated. I was really uncomfortable and I thought, “Maybe this whole gaining thing is crazy.” But then later that night, I was rubbing my tummy and it felt so good that I decided I couldn’t just quit...
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    I’m new here :)

    Thank you so much!
  7. I

    Trying to gain while recovering from an eating disorder

    Thank you for your advice! I think I’ve always been subconsciously attracted to bigger women, but it took me a long time to realize that I enjoy being chubby too. With the combination of my disordered eating and my naturally slim body type, I never really had a chance to know how it felt to be...
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    Trying to gain while recovering from an eating disorder

    Thank you for your tips! I will check out the library boards right away. Out of the 3 components you mentioned, I think I have #1 and #3. If I don’t want to sleep with someone, I don’t really care if they’re fat or not. And I don’t get turned on by every fat woman I see. For example, I have a...
  9. I

    I’m new here :)

    Thank you!
  10. I

    Trying to gain while recovering from an eating disorder

    Hello and thank you so much for your help! First of all, thank you for addressing my first question. You are 100% right - all the media I could find was about BBW and their thin male feeders. I have found a few female/female fanfics, but it was always about one skinny girl and one fat girl, so...
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    I’m new here :)

    Thank you so much!
  12. I

    I’m new here :)

    Hi everyone! I’m new here and I just discovered this thread, so I’ll introduce myself. I’m an 18-year-old lesbian and I would like to be both a gainer and a FA. I’ve been subconsciously drawn towards fat women my whole life but didn’t realize that I was attracted to them until last year. I...
  13. I

    Your Current Size vs Goal Size

    I just decided to start gaining. I’m an 18 year old female, 5’3”, and 105 pounds. I’m still a little nervous about gaining, so my current goal is just 130. I’m heading to college in September, so I’m hoping I can pick up the freshman 15 and continue from there. I tend to be “skinny fat” with...
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    Trying to gain while recovering from an eating disorder

    Hi everyone! I’m new here and I have some questions. My name is Isabel and I’m 18 years old. I think I have a fat kink. I am a lesbian, and I think I am both a fat admirer and a gainer. I’m very attracted to fat women, but I also think I want to get fat. I’ve been struggling to figure out what’s...