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  1. C

    One sad chubby chaser...

    I'll say thanks again for all the advice everyone =p more stuff than I can count, i have to take notes hehe to the people who are still down on me for the way I'm acting, calling me shallow and stuff... I can't really deny it. Most if not all of us are shallow in a way or we wouldn't be...
  2. C

    One sad chubby chaser...

    I must say, I'm very happy for all the supportive posts as well as the ones chiding me for being 'controlling'. I need to hear it all. I won't deny that I've debated with her til blue in the face about why it's not this horrible thing to be fat. I've tried to change her mind as hard as I can...
  3. C

    One sad chubby chaser...

    Very thorough response, Jon - thanks :D you should be a professional therapist hehe She's not even sure why she wants to lose weight. We actually have talked about it ad nauseum. Sometimes she'll say it's because she feels ugly, sometimes she'll say it's because she feels unhealthy... and...
  4. C

    One sad chubby chaser...

    Yeah, you guys are probably right, and I'm glad you're being frank. You're probably right that I'm being selfish, though I don't really feel that way. Yes, it's her body and she can do what she wants with it, of course. But I don't really think she, as a person, wants to be skinny. She has...
  5. C

    One sad chubby chaser...

    Yeah, I think you hit the nail right on the head :) thanks for your understanding words man... I'll probably just try to grin and bear it, and hope that maybe someday she'll stop caring about being skinny again... maybe it's just a phase...
  6. C

    One sad chubby chaser...

    hey all - first post here :) and I've got a slightly sad story and seek advice. I've been into big girls since puberty. I have never been attracted to a skinny girl in my whole life. I fell in love with a slightly big girl as I was entering college about 8 years ago, and we've been together...