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  1. femmegamer

    Hi! Intro post!

    Thanks lol
  2. femmegamer

    Hi! Intro post!

    Thanks! I have a character on Magtheridon too! But, she's Horde. Sadness.
  3. femmegamer

    Hi! Intro post!

    -shrug- I like fat guys too! So, I guess I'm a bbw and a ffa? Is there such a thing as both? ...that question sounded really stupid probably.
  4. femmegamer

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Thanks! Hmmm...I take it from you avatar and your signature that you're a trekkie? Shweeeeet
  5. femmegamer

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Name: Tasha Age: 20 Location: Georgia Profession: currently jobless Music: I like a lot of different styles. It depends on my mood. Likes: Sushi, asian culture, fruit,reading, writing, art, music, movies, tv, new people, breakfast foods Dislikes: people who convey superiority, mud...
  6. femmegamer

    Hi! Intro post!

    Thanks for the Dimensions Forum 101! LOL. I'm actually a bbw. I thought this was the place to intro myself. Sorry if it's not! :doh:
  7. femmegamer

    Hi! Intro post!

    Soon! I'll probably post some screencaps of my mage soon from WoW! And thanks!
  8. femmegamer

    Hi! Intro post!

    Do you mean SoCom? If so, then no I don't. I found that game very aggravating when I played it.
  9. femmegamer

    Hi! Intro post!

    Hi! I'm playing WoW (Lvl 7 human mage named Kahzoo on whisperwind...I just started) and console wise I'm playing Area 51 for the PS2. I like WoW but I hardly ever play it unless I'm extremely bored and getting irritated with Area51.
  10. femmegamer

    Hi! Intro post!

    Hello everyone! My name is Tasha and I'm 20 years old. An ex co-worker introduced me to this forum and I gotta say that I didn't know a forum like this existed. But I'm happy I found one! Anyways, some pics! I love to take pictures of myself New hair cut Anyways, I hope...