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  1. B00TS

    The Trainer - by Uncle Jack (~BBW, ~~WG)

    Er, the author did ask for comments on where the story might lead...
  2. B00TS

    The Trainer - by Uncle Jack (~BBW, ~~WG)

    Totally agree with Lardibutts' comments and ideas. It would be good to see Jocelyn slowly become more content with her size and enjoy teasing David with it. I suppose more internal confidence to go with the outward devil-may-care attitude. Obviously, David's six weeks will be up at some point...
  3. B00TS

    The Trainer - by Uncle Jack (~BBW, ~~WG)

    A super instalment. So glad you continued - great work!:)
  4. B00TS

    Something truly horrible that I need some opinions on...

    1. Be easy on yourself. You're fat - cool! You have as much right to self respect as everyone else. 2. Don't drop your standards. Again, you're fat - cool! If it's an FA and it has a penis, chances are you're in the driving seat! 3. Be patient: Finding a partner that suits you takes time...
  5. B00TS

    The Trainer - by Uncle Jack (~BBW, ~~WG)

    Well, I can assure you we're on tenterhooks for all three! The quality of the writing and the plots is second to none. Hope they give you as much pleasure to write as they do us to read...
  6. B00TS

    Blood Tests... Help?

    Carla, I also absolutely hate needles. I've had a couple of REALLY unpleasant experiences with doctors and phlebotomists alike who are unskilled in the art but in general, the prospect is worse than the event. As mentioned above, the procedure is normally next to pain-free and relatively...
  7. B00TS

    The Trainer - by Uncle Jack (~BBW, ~~WG)

    acadm - patience man! These things take time...
  8. B00TS

    After Dinner Desires by AM (SSBBW, Erotic sensuality)

    Really great stuff AM! I like how you capture the encounter from both lovers' points of view, giving a male reader some insight into the woman's perspective and vice versa - very effective...
  9. B00TS

    You are a hopeless FA if...

    I've done the "must drive round the block for another look" many a time (often despite being late). I get the same issue in the supermarket too - pushing my trolley down aisles where there is nothing I intend to buy just because a gorgeous BBW took her shopping that way! - so sad!;)
  10. B00TS

    Being fat and traveling on your own

    Would only really add that the 'complete stranger' next to you needn't be. On a few flights I took early in my travelling life I didn't really talk to those beside me at all (I'm pretty shy, really.) However as time went on, I realised that if you're gonna sit in a loud, uncomfortable can for a...
  11. B00TS

    Professional Issues & Weight

    I think your approach to these situations is the important thing here. If you are sure that you sense a client is thinking along these lines, I would be tempted to grab the bull by the horns. Raise the issue in a matter-of-fact way, stating that your weight and lifestyle are your own private...
  12. B00TS

    Post pics of yourself....LIVING

    A mate of mine's parents have some land in Hampshire. He set up a gazebo with a sound system: He went dressed as a boat! There was a fantastic campfire, great music and lots of super people - it was a blinding night.:)
  13. B00TS

    Favorite/Least Favorite slang word

    Aye, putna brew on'll 'ave most things right as rain 'n no time up thur!:)
  14. B00TS

    Obese students targeted by curriculum at Pennsylvania college

    Tongs or not, acquiring one attribute of the students' physiological makeup and then segregating them based on it is inappropriate, especially when the result affects the criteria for graduation.
  15. B00TS

    Obese students targeted by curriculum at Pennsylvania college

    I'm sure those responsible for this policy were trying to act in the students' best interests but what a shambles. 1. They are saying to their students that it is ok for an institution to apply a discriminatory policy. 2. BMI is a totally useless measure of general health/fitness. I...
  16. B00TS

    Favorite/Least Favorite slang word

    BeaBea: Can't agree more about chillax. Ughhhhhhhhh. SUCH a contrived, clumsy , superfluous, trying too hard verbal abomination. A phrase my late Nan used to use all the time was 'on bobbins' for something that had gone or was going wrong. Had me in stitches every time! Not sure where it...
  17. B00TS

    Post pics of yourself....LIVING

    At the pub with my best friend steph... At a party in the woods! Entertaining (read torturing) friends at New year '09. Me as a very poor approximation of Fred Dibnah! On the mixing desk at an impromptu jam for my mate's auntie's 50th. Bloody Guinness is double-parked as well -...
  18. B00TS

    My BBC Interview about Size Acceptance

    You came across brilliantly Monique! The big people of this world could do with more envoys like yourself.:)
  19. B00TS

    Baby's fat rolls airbrushed out?!!!

    I'd like to believe that the retouching was simply to preserve the legibility of the foreground text. Hmmm maybe. More likely though is that the apparently still rampant 'fat is bad' attitude of the general media had a part to play in things. It seems to be just another disheartening example...
  20. B00TS

    Can a 700lb girl be on top?

    I've never had the privilege of experiencing such a wonderful thing happening to me but I can dream can't I ?:D