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  1. flip.the.nuts

    Chinning bars ruin door frames...

    I go to the gym man (for weight lifting), But I really want to like do some pull-ups after i wake up in a morning! I was thinking there are perhaps really good chinning bars that somehow apply the pressure over a large area somehow?
  2. flip.the.nuts

    Chinning bars ruin door frames...

    I'm talking about the chinning bars you don't screw into your door frame, the ones that are portable. I really want to use one at my university accomodation, but they will ruin the door frame slowly, and of course I don't want to pay for a new door frame for them, lol. Anyone got any ideas...
  3. flip.the.nuts

    "Miss England finalist is fat, lazy and a poster girl for ill health"

    you're so right. i don't think she needs therapy, she needs to stop being irresponsibly selfish. she writes books about losing weight, so shes going to want to write a report that supports it, unless she had a core of soul in her. that article really pissed me off. :mad: miss england is...
  4. flip.the.nuts

    boozing worries...

    I'm buying well known brands like carlsberg. can you give me more on this science please? thanks! that makes a lot of sense :). you mean it's cheap to produce, not to buy?
  5. flip.the.nuts

    boozing worries...

    That has made me more paranoid if anything :(.
  6. flip.the.nuts

    boozing worries...

    I buy my booze from this store just down the road from my university accomodation because it's convenient. The problem is I have obsessive compulsive disorder, and I can get paranoid as well, and recently I have been thinking that possibly the beer I buy there is counterfeit beer that hasn't...
  7. flip.the.nuts

    No stigma attached?

    I said I wasn't going to post again in this thread but... That is just fantastic!! That's such an interesting situation for me to hear about.
  8. flip.the.nuts

    No stigma attached?

    Having read the last message, I've finished posting in this thread now. There are two sides who've been hurt by the media bullshit. Guys with the preferences for large women, and large women. I think both sides can have as much hardship from it. I never came here saying I think big women are...
  9. flip.the.nuts

    No stigma attached?

    I get your point; I didn't realise before how it may annoy larger women if I go on about how I have been anxious about my preferences for them. I have to say though that I hadn't spoken to her in over a year until a few days ago. Also, she may be large, but shes a very attractive and pretty...
  10. flip.the.nuts

    No stigma attached?

    K, cheers mate. :cool:
  11. flip.the.nuts

    No stigma attached?

    Ahh, okay, good :p
  12. flip.the.nuts

    No stigma attached?

    That's pretty much what I mean by the subconscious, etc. Are you actually behind things like that you say? It sounds like you're trying to be silly, or at least I hope you are. Oh yeh... And wtf is an OP?
  13. flip.the.nuts

    No stigma attached?

    No no no! There's a difference between your conscious and sub-conscious mind. I'm saying I know full well that larger women are just as good, infact I think they rock. But my brain still has a few of its old ways about it's automatic views of women. I also have mental health problems...
  14. flip.the.nuts

    No stigma attached?

    Very true, thankyou for that :). I think down the road society will give me less trouble, because the fat acceptance movement is making big women seem more appealing to people. That by the way is fantastic, I just wish what I think the state will be in 10 years time about this subject, can be...
  15. flip.the.nuts

    No stigma attached?

    Lol, I like the humour of you guys :)
  16. flip.the.nuts

    No stigma attached?

    Sigh, no. I think mainly only I will be able to understand my position, and thats just natural, people don't know about other peoples lifes and I think my situation with this is a bit too complicated to break down in a few forum messages. I got a little bit wound up about this, but I understand...
  17. flip.the.nuts

    No stigma attached?

    Okay, okay, I'm going to stop here, I'm getting too wound up about this. Sorry for anything I may have said that gave offense.
  18. flip.the.nuts

    No stigma attached?

    So you're saying I can't give them reasons why they are wrong and debate?
  19. flip.the.nuts

    No stigma attached?

    I haven't been getting many useful replies. I just want to prove this, so that people don't think I'm a lunatic... Gee, thankyou. Yes people are OK with it in general now. But still, I know for a fact that a decent amount of people my age will still think it's a bit strange. I hate...
  20. flip.the.nuts

    No stigma attached?

    I'm not assuming everyone will be shocked and offended (where did offended come into it?) by my preferences. I'm understanding that there was mountains of pressure back in my school days, and even when I was 16-18 about keeping my preferences to myself and being embarassed about it. What do...