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  1. K

    Scandinavians, report in!

    Hi, we need to keep in touch:) Seems we are a lovely collection of people in our countries too:)
  2. K

    Scandinavians, report in!

    Hei Jules og alle andre Skandinaver! Hyggelig å høre fra dere, håper at vi kan ha litt kontakt gjennom denne tråden! (Jeg savner også skandinaviske FFA's!) Ha en god kveld alle sammen!
  3. K

    Scandinavians, report in!

    I love Copenhagen and most things Danish!
  4. K

    Belly library (men/women)

    No I don't! Looking for someone for sure though!
  5. K

    Belly library (men/women)

    This feels good.
  6. K

    Belly library (men/women)

    Showered, just relaxing.
  7. K

    Just saying hi

    Hi, thanks! Good to be here!
  8. K

    Just saying hi

    nice to be here:)
  9. K

    Issues for big guys.

    That's too bad! I have no back issues at all, just get tired after a lot of work. But as you say, a little bit of rest and ready to go again!
  10. K

    Just saying hi to you all

    Nice hearing such a sweet reply from you here:) I am sure here are a lot of nice people here, including you of course!
  11. K

    Just saying hi to you all

    Hi folks, I have been checking out these forums for a while, here's a pic, just off the webcam, for those of you who wondered what I look like. And I added a couple of belly pic in the belly thread for the ones of you who would liek to see that part of things .... Hope to get in...
  12. K

    Just saying hi

    Hi folks, I have been checking out these forums for a while, here's a pic, just off the webcam, for those of you who wondered what I look like. (Also, see the belly pic in the BHM/FFAforum ....) Hope to get in touch with some of you!!!
  13. K

    Belly library (men/women)

    OK, I have some belly, just let me post and see if there are any opinions! Best regards to you all!
  14. K

    Issues for big guys.

    Ok, I have been on and off the forum here, maybe time to do some posts too. While I have yet to meet a nice girl I still have been able to enjoy the feeling of being big myself. I am just over 300 lbs I think, haven't been on the scales for some time. (Meaning I have been away from ones...
  15. K

    OK, so anybody in here from Norway?

    I am glad there is a site for people who are fat and happy about it. Seems most of the talk elsewhere is how bad it is being fat and how one should be getting rid of it. Well a good alternative is to feel good the way things are I think. I have been viewing these boards for a little...
  16. K

    bbwclub in Sweden

    Glad to see there are such sites from Sweden. I am wondering if there are anybody in here from Norway, see my thread.
  17. K

    Hi there - i am new !

    Great to see you on here Janina!