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  1. M

    Dedicated writing devices

    If you like quaint items knock yourself out. My preference is a little Surface Go that has word processing, plus all Windows 10 features. Unlike I-Pad it also has a keyboard and mouse option which makes cut and paste edits easy. Very compact and battery life not too bad. Bit pricy tho....
  2. M

    When do you decide a story is done? (How big is too big?)

    I do that with every story. Think of a road trip. You need to have a starting point and a destination right from the get go. All your dialogue and plot should lead to the finale. That's why it's hard to publish a good story in bits because you don't know where to stop. Also most likely why...
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    Off brand stories

    As long as it helps you grow as an artist. The danger lies in getting so far out of your comfort zone that the end result suffers . Not sure that Mickey Spillane could have written a successful novel like The Bridges of Madison County. Another example: Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin singing in...
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    Story Ideas

    Just a quick heads up... The Breaking Free storyline looks like it would involve under age protagonists. Any stories like that are not permitted on this site.
  5. M

    Curious about your opinions on stories written in first person

    I hope when that story is finished the cure does not involve self injecting with disinfectant...lol. :p
  6. M

    Curious about your opinions on stories written in first person

    One of the best ways to ensure a good ending and a proper plot flow is to write the first chapter and the last chapter right away, then connect the dots with the rest of the characters and plotlines.
  7. M

    Curious about your opinions on stories written in first person

    There is another very good reason for third person narrative. The narration can provide some background explanation or technical/historical details that would not be available or would be absurd in first person. It is much harder in film where most of the action is somewhat first or second...
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    Curious about your opinions on stories written in first person

    How about this for a contender: Once upon a time I knew this girl who was really skinny. Then she got fat. We all laughed. The End
  9. M

    Curious about your opinions on stories written in first person

    Biggest issue for 1st person, is that all the action has to take place from one viewpoint. This means you cannot normally add dialogue or action that occurs without the first person being present. The other issue is the story can end up with too much me, me, me if you are not careful. But you...
  10. M

    BBW The Matchmaker by Maltese Falcon

    Epilog He went down the hall and handed the slip of paper to Jason. He in turn picked up the phone and recited it twice over the voice mail. Then he hung up and destroyed the phone. Wilberforce asked. “None of this can come back on us?” “Nope-prepaid phone. It’ll be over by tomorrow morning...
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    BBW The Matchmaker by Maltese Falcon

    Chapter 21 In twenty minutes, she was ushered into the basement of the local police station. Millie was spitting mad and looked at Wilberforce. “What the hell is going on here?” The agent pulled out some documents. They looked to be booking papers. “This is you, yes?” Millie looked at them...
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    BBW The Matchmaker by Maltese Falcon

    Chapter 20 The big day finally arrives. Couple days earlier, Millie had already dismissed her “employee”. She sulked a bit, but agreed a temporary relocation to her former apartment would be smart. It would hardly be appropriate for Jason to see she had been living there. Luckily, she had kept...
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    BBW The Matchmaker by Maltese Falcon

    Chapter 19 continued Millie took three of the pills. Her boobs hurt and now she had no way to fix it. She took an Ibuprofen and was ready for a well deserved nap when her cell rang. What now she thought, but answered. Before she could even say hello, the voice on the other end started in. “Is...
  14. M

    BBW The Matchmaker by Maltese Falcon

    Chapter 19 Millie was awoken from a sound slumber by her cell phone. The voice at the other end jolted her out of whatever fog remained. “Millie baby. It’s me Jason.” “Oh...hi. It’s so nice to hear from you.” “Well I’d probably get spanked if anyone found out I made this call. I’m just...
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    BBW The Matchmaker by Maltese Falcon

    Chapter 19 After they had sated both their appetites for food and passion, Amber put her head on Millie’s plump abdomen and stared into her eyes. For her part, Millie was drifting off into contended slumber, but was jolted back to reality by Amber’s revelation. “Remember when I told you that...
  16. M

    BBW The Matchmaker by Maltese Falcon

    Chapter 19 Twenty minutes later. Millie tapped her lover on the shoulder. “Come on sunshine. Feeding time.” Amber nodded and strolled into the kitchen. A moment later, Millie’s phone rang. On the other end, a voice offered. “Can I come over in an hour?” “Umm make it two will you. The place is...
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    BBW The Matchmaker by Maltese Falcon

    Chapter 18 The next six days redefined their relationship. First of all, there was no question of them sleeping apart from now on. Often, there was no question of them sleeping at all. Millie’s “condition” was in full force. By evening, she had become engorged 3 times-each time the pressure...
  18. M

    BBW The Matchmaker by Maltese Falcon

    Chapter 17 An hour later Amber stroked her new lover’s butt. And what a butt it was. So soft and supple. Millie moaned as she stroked it, caressing the softness of her skin. It was now dimpled with cellulite, but she didn’t care. Amber patted it softly and watched it jiggle. They had done a...
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    BBW The Matchmaker by Maltese Falcon

    Chapter 16 The three-month mark has passed. Millie took a moment to look over her “assistant”. The past twelve weeks had not been so good to Amber. She was obviously a high-maintenance beauty. Now, with no makeup, no fake nails and the roots of her natural brown hair showing through, she looked...
  20. M

    BBW The Matchmaker by Maltese Falcon

    Chapter 15 He entered and she advised. “I was just about to eat something. Join me?” He chuckled. “Maybe next time. But perhaps allow me?” She nodded as he pulled out a chair. “Please sit.” In twenty minutes, he had produced not one, not two, but three 3-egg omelettes. She sighed as he placed...