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  1. NFA

    Does Weight Watchers Really work- a personal opinion

    Hmm. Their site still says "Results Not Typical". I guess its just okay for WW to say that and not me. Must be the asterix* and tiny letters that makes it okay. *Results still not typical.
  2. NFA

    Why "To Be Fat Like Me" Is A Step Back

    Golly. And I couldn't possibly have been making an independant observation about the movie jumping off from that simple, declarative statement. I couldn't possibly have seen fit to pose a rhetorical question based on that statement. Nah. Couldn't be. Better pen a self-righteous put-down...
  3. NFA

    Why "To Be Fat Like Me" Is A Step Back

    Why is that even a story worth making a movie. You're making a fictional movie about the making of a documentary? Even if fiction, you need a thin person, pretending to be a thin person, pretending to be a fat person to get any empathy? To me, this tells me a lot about the lengths Hollywood...
  4. NFA

    Our Stonewall: International No Diet Day

    I jokingly suggested to my girlfriend that we attempt to buy lunch at a new chain of diet fast-food restaurants popping up around Boston just to see if we'd get kicked out for being visually disturbing. I know there is some talk of an INDD bake sale here in Boston. In the past I've produced...
  5. NFA

    Why "To Be Fat Like Me" Is A Step Back

    Pity isn't exactly an encouraging motive. I recognize that the woman may have thought she was being sympathetic when she assumes that half of all fat women are fat because of sexual abuse, the truth is that she's been given VERY bad information. Whether there are individual instances of that...
  6. NFA

    Does Weight Watchers Really work- a personal opinion

    Wow. Gosh. A few months and everything. Results STILL not typical. No one is preventing anyone from thinking they can lose weight. Last I checked, I still didn't have the power to control other people's decisions. But I control mine. I don't support dieting or intentional weight loss...
  7. NFA

    Recent Picture of You

    Have to love the glasses. I've only seen one other woman with bejeweled glasses, and I'm busy dating her. Although, admitedly, it looks like you've got more rhinestones than she does.
  8. NFA

    Does Weight Watchers Really work- a personal opinion

    No matter how saintly one thinks their reasons are for losing weight, feeling good about that still presumes that weight loss is an achievable and realistic goal. It isn't. There are better, more achievable, and more sustainable ways for any person to improve their health. Stigmatizing fat...
  9. NFA

    Does Weight Watchers Really work- a personal opinion

    Hey, you know, I just checked Weight Watchers website and it seems Results are still not typical. 500 times. Guess someone should chastize them for repeating themselves. How terribly uncivil of them. Don't they know the the privlaged status quo simply cannot tolerate being exposed to...
  10. NFA

    Does Weight Watchers Really work- a personal opinion

    As long as there are people who think one "success" justifies telling fat people they are FAILURES, I will keep pointing out the inconvenient FACTS that some people don't want to hear. RESULTS NOT TYPICAL. The product DOES NOT WORK. THE COMPANY ADMITS IT. Weight Watchers admits it...
  11. NFA

    How Healthy do you FEEL???

    I do feel healthy. And having once been very thin, I honestly feel healthier now than I did then. Yeah, I might have a tweak in my knee sometimes or a sore ankle. I'm also 10 years older. I didn't expect to feel like an 18 year old for the duration of my life. And my ankle gets sore because...
  12. NFA

    FTC Levies $25 Million Fine Against Diet Pill Firms

    As BBM notes, this is really just a slap on the wrist. They will continue to be able to market their products. They just need to control their claims. They will learn, just like other diet firms the FTC has targeted, that they don't really need to make grant claims about their products...
  13. NFA

    Internet personals

    I had surprisingly good luck with Okcupid.com. Its a free service and not fat specific, so I'm probably a fluke case, but I was contacted by two very intriguing and local women in the span of a couple of days and have been seeing one of the two since April. Both presented exactly what I was...
  14. NFA

    Does Weight Watchers Really work- a personal opinion

    And that is how lies become enshrined as fact. Because ultimately, there will be enough people who think if something is repeated a couple times that makes it true. Doesn't matter that statistics show WW doesn't work. Doesn't matter that WEIGHT WATCHERS THEMSELVES say "Results Not Typical"...
  15. NFA

    Does Weight Watchers Really work- a personal opinion

    RESULTS NOT TYPICAL! No. Fat people are not to blame for being fat. Not when NOTHING has been shown effective or safe at turning a fat person into a not-fat person. Results Not Typical. Fat people aren't failures because they don't keep up with disordered eating plans. Fat people...
  16. NFA

    Does Weight Watchers Really work- a personal opinion

    Gaining back half of the weight lost is proof that the system works? I actually suspect WW agrees, though they probably don't do feature stories on those results. And even then: RESULTS NOT TYPICAL. But heaven forbid anyone, anywhere, not be genuflecting before the altar of weight loss...
  17. NFA

    Recent Picture of You

    I think any comparisons between me and Mr. Depp would be quite aggressively generous in my favor, but thank you none the less.
  18. NFA

    Does Weight Watchers Really work- a personal opinion

    Results not typical. "I did it, so can you!" doesn't change that. Results NOT typical. WW's words, not mine. Their words over 500 times on their website according to Google. That probably doesn't count the times its buried inside graphics. Results NOT typical.
  19. NFA

    Does Weight Watchers Really work- a personal opinion

    Results not typical.
  20. NFA

    Does Weight Watchers Really work- a personal opinion

    You assume your weight is a moral failing, but thats an entirely unwarrented assumpsion. Its not that your "old habits" are making you fat. Its that the behaviors required while dieting are functionally unsustainable. This isn't healthy eating. Its disordered eating. Most people cannot...