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  1. Y

    "Be Enormous" campaign

    Just so people know... nobody in Australia actually drinks Fosters. It sells far more in the US than it does to locals.
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    The Fat Man at the End of the World

    The Fat Man at the End of the World has just been released. This was a community developed book, many of the contributors coming from right here. Profit from the book will support further fat-positive works in the future! Description: The fat heroes are coming! (And it's about time, too!) At...
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    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    Here's one from a while back. I've been told that it doesn't actually give a good indication of my size, but I like the shot anyway.
  4. Y

    a survey

    I'd be up to doing an overhaul of the survey with more refined / more questions in the future. If you have some alternate wording that you believe would work better, or more questions to add, please post here (or at the thread on BFC).
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    a survey

    There was already a thread for this in the BHM/FFA forum. I believe it was deliberately placed in a couple of places so more could see it. *shrug*
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    a survey

    This would explain why there was a sudden spike in the number of results. :)
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    Wishing Perth, Australia had FFAs

    Shame you don't live in Victoria. We have meets frequently. There are currently more FFAs turning up than BHMs (three FFAs and one me... woot).
  8. Y

    Everyday Food Pics - Part II - keep snapping!! :D

    They also work really well with a peanut satay sauce to dip them in. Unfortunately the Chinese places around here ruin them by putting far too much salt on them.
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    Come on BHMs, post your pictures here!

    There are pics of me up on OogleGirth, go forth and check them out!
  10. Y

    Australian BHMs?

    Fortunately I live far enough out of Frankston that I can avoid the negative connotations associated with it. :) There were a few Melbourne peoples from another forum trying to organise a meet up a while back, but I don't think it ever happened, at least anything more than a couple of people...
  11. Y

    Australian BHMs?

    BHM from around Frankston here. It's somewhat amazing how many jokes are made about such a smallish area, and unfortunately most of them aren't too far off reality. (This is my first post, I think. I'll post a proper intro thing at some stage, when I can take some pics to add) Edit: Sorry to...