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  1. H

    The NYT on Size Acceptance

    Maybe I'm reading it to generously, but I thought it was pretty balanced. The acknowledgment that "no clinical trial has found a diet that keeps weight off long-term for a majority" is an important idea to get out there, and isn't referenced enough in the MSM, imho. And while some of those...
  2. H

    Dr. Regina Benjamin is too Fat??????

    I also clicked through and read the link, and I don't think Becky is at all saying that preference for larger bodies is a fetish. She writes: Maybe I'm reading Becky wrong, but I think she's meaning to say that attraction/preference for larger bodies should not necessarily be considered a...
  3. H

    Your Favourite Parts About Being Fat

    I don't think Tarella meant her comment exactly this way, but it still put me in mind of that horrible commercial for Quiznos (or possibly Subway?), with the two women on the bench, with the one enjoying the sandwich being of an average body size and style, and the other a thin stereotypically...
  4. H

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Yeah, I guess that's a good enough reason for me too. But anyway, I am enjoying lurking and am hopeful that reading the posts here will boost my self-confidence in terms of my body. [ETA: if only I posted a bit earlier, I might have made the 1,000,000 post!]