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  1. J

    well, that sucks.

    Nope. No opinions. Just facts. You should try actually reading up on the history of Trump and his father, and read up on who funds the GOP - instead of slurping up all the bullshit that Breitbart, Infowars and Fox News puts out to your "alt-right" echo-chamber. Cui Bono. FOLLOW THE MONEY. BTW...
  2. J

    well, that sucks.

    The GOP *IS* the establishment. Trump is a trust-fund-baby billionaire conman, who lives in a golden tower: Trump *IS* the establishment. Trump is filling his cabinet with Washington insiders. You got stiffed. And so did all those "working stiffs" Moore was on about.
  3. J

    Post-Election Violence

    FACT 1: The KKK and David Duke endorsed Trump. FACT 2: The KKK and David Duke are celebrating Trump's victory. FACT 3: The KKK are planning a Trump victory parade. FACT 4: You backed the KKK endorsed candidate, and you support policies the KKK love. Own it.
  4. J

    Views from overseas

    Like most people in UK I'm not surprised, but I am gutted to see the US lurch from Bush/Clinton/WBush/Obama neoliberalism which was bad enough already; to Trumpist neofascism - that will be so much worse. And all under a thin skinned egomaniac narcissist demagogue in Trump (who is an AGM...
  5. J

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread Reloaded!

    It's funny because it's so wrong. Wall St back Clinton, not Sanders. Sanders is mostly backed by unions.
  6. J

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread Reloaded!

    Here's a Donald Trump joke: "How do you end up with a middling-sized fortune after decades in business? Start off with an enormously massive fortune! Oh, and funnel in bushels more from investors.." :p #funnycosit'strue
  7. J

    Who do you want for president 2016?

    I'm hoping for Bernie Sanders to get elected, seems to have been pretty consistent in his politics down the decades, represents the working class, and is not a warmonger. A rarity indeed.
  8. J

    WG sci-fi movie, or was I just hallucinating?

    I know what you mean, it does exist. I saw it on YouTube a while back, think it's a Twilight Zone ep. but just searched for an hour no joy. Plot: Woman dreams future of no men. Society divided like insects. Repro by parthenogenises Some women are just Mothers, they eat (bad fat suits! :D )...
  9. J

    How Extreme Does it Need to Get?

    There has been more rain in UK recently, which does tally with what we'd expect from increased global temperatures. However, the actual flooding has a great deal more to do with Tories cosying up to the big landowners and nixing an EA policy to reforest the hills, thus ensuring the aristos...
  10. J

    Pigs Fly in Alberta

    The UK Lib Dems lost all their support, because they HAD been the "protest" vote in the past. After 5 years of them being in coalition with the Tories, they lost ALL political credibility as any kind of alternative. Basically, they are just another flavour of Tory now. Labour lost all support...
  11. J

    Scotland Surges to the Left

    For the rest of us, in England & Wales, this means we now have a permanent locked in Tory majority in Parliament (absent a change in the electoral system). In other words, for those of us south of the border, who are not rich - we're screwed. Tories will now continue with their declared...
  12. J

    The Scariest Movie(s) You've Seen...

    Oh yeah man, that party scene that starts off with his gf dancing... and then... :eek: ... wuuut!??
  13. J

    Generic Hyde Park Thread

    *Pickles herring and eats it* :eat1:
  14. J

    The Scariest Movie(s) You've Seen...

    The leads Ellen Page and Patrick Wilson certainly deliver powerful and believable performances. Of course that makes the film more immersive and so if you find it hella disturbing (as me and my then gf did) that makes it even more of a head-fuck to watch. YMMV.
  15. J

    The Scariest Movie(s) You've Seen...

    Another not-a-horror-movie but pretty damn grim / disturbing: "Hard Candy". I'd caught part of a movie review on the radio about it, but it hadn't made it exactly clear what it was about. Me and my then gf went to see it at the cinema on date night. Big mistake. Omfg. We left afterwards and...
  16. J

    The Scariest Movie(s) You've Seen...

    +1 for getting THE FEAR from watching "Candyman" first time around. "Event Horizon" gave me the creeps good and proper first time I saw it... The first two Hellraiser movies, too. Yeurgh. Existential terror plus dat body horror. +1 for "Threads" being pretty damn grim!
  17. J

    New Feedism-focused Social Network (That's not awful)

    I'm liking it so far, defo FB-alike, surprised how well everything seems to work! :D
  18. J

    Another "insecure" feeder story all over the tabloids...

    So this is all over the place today... http://women.asiaone.com/women/relationships/man-fattens-girlfriend-so-she-will-not-stray Usual "evil feeder" narrative... Hmmmm... His fiancee looks pretty happy tho', makes you wonder how much of the narrative is true...
  19. J

    New Feedism-focused Social Network (That's not awful)

    Interesting! Thanks for sharing! :)
  20. J

    Tess Munster scores a mainstream fashion modelling contract :)

    Thanks for the heads up - just watched that - surprisingly positive overall! :)