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  1. H

    Binge board

    Since there were a few things that I needed to change in my last post, I decided to do it all over again... So yesterday I ate... 2 kolaches a regular Monster A la bam bah burger and fries 6 dr peppers an ice cream cone 3 bottles of water a mcdonalds iced coffee a large mcdonalds chocolate...
  2. H

    Binge board

    So today I ate... 2 kolaches a regular Monster A la bam bah burger and fries 6 dr peppers a mcdonalds iced coffee a large mcdonalds chocolate milkshake a large Baja Blast and a Taco Bell Big Box consisting of... A beef burrito A chalupa A taco And cinnamon...
  3. H

    "The Urge"

    I am 5' 7" and 148 lbs, sometimes i wish i was twice that size. Actually, most of the time I wish i was bigger. Sometimes I get caught up in an eating frenzy, intent on eating as much as I can and being as big as I can get. Even when I know I'm full I keep going just because it feels so good. If...
  4. H

    Binge board

    The other night I ate a half gallon of ice cream for desert. And the other day I ate 2 dozen cookies, and a really large helping of brownie cake, on top of what i normally eat. It was my friends birthday and she all kinds of baked goods.
  5. H

    What Are You EATING right now?

    2 dozen cookies and some brownies
  6. H

    What Are You EATING right now?

    I was about to mention something about that. If you drank spite, that would be pretty hard core LOL:D
  7. H

    What Are You EATING right now?

    I just finished a half gallon of ice cream :eat2:
  8. H

    Introduction: I'm gaining

    This is just a personal thing, but I focus more on eating as much as I want, than weight gain. I am a very active person with a fast metabolism. So basically, I am really skinny even though I eat A LOT. I come here because everyone here is comfortable with eating as much as they want. I hate it...
  9. H

    Introduction: I'm gaining

    Well Jenna, its almost been 2 weeks, any updates?
  10. H

    Girl Scout cookies

    BTW guys, if you leave your cookies in a hot place, they melt and stick together. I left mine in my trunk a month or so ago for a week, and it got up into the 80's (I live in Houston)
  11. H

    Girl Scout cookies

    I am addicted to the GS Lemonades. I always buy multiple boxes because I know I will eat 1 box the day I get them. LOL
  12. H

    Introduction: I'm gaining

    Well, judging from your display pic, i can tell you are a very beautiful girl, and I am sure the extra weight is going to look amazing on you. Keep us updated about your weight gain. :eat1:
  13. H

    new pixxxx

    you are such a cutie. Keep up the good work:smitten:
  14. H

    HELP ME! What should I eat?!

    Well, today is the first day of my 10 day binge. Unfortunately I have been sick lately and I haven't been eating as much as I normally do. I bought 2 burritos today and I was only able to eat one and a half. Thats 3 times as much food as I have been eating since I got sick, but I normally eat...
  15. H

    Manic eating days.....

    The last time I went on a binge I ate 60 pizza rolls, a box of twinkies, a king size kit kat, and a liter of Dr Pepper. I just couldn't stop. LOL.
  16. H

    2 Favorite Junk Food Items That Come in a Cellophane Wrapper.

    Zebra cakes are my favorite. When I buy the box, I eat all 10 in one sitting. LOL. I am addicted to them.
  17. H

    Before and After

    wow, keep up the good work. I know you will reach your goal. Keep us updated with pics. You said you eat a lot of ice cream, is that just from ice cream, and if so, how much ice cream are we talking LOL.
  18. H

    Eating slow or fast

    There needs to be a balance. If you eat to fast, you might throw up. If you need an example of this, look at the eating competitions where people just stop half way through after eating too fast. On the other hand, if you eat to slow, you won't be able to eat as much. When you stomach is...
  19. H

    HELP ME! What should I eat?!

    thanx guys, I can't wait. I am a big fan of pizza rolls so I will probably have a whole bunch of them. Also some Dr Pepper and twinkies. LOL:eat1:
  20. H

    HELP ME! What should I eat?!

    I am senior in High School and I love eating. The only problem is that I can't eat as much as I want to in front of my parents. Well, they are going to be gone on a short trip next week and then a 13 day trip the week after that. I have gone on binges while they were gone before and they...