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  1. J

    Childless By Choice

    I suppose some people here think they were hatched from eggs.
  2. J

    Any BBW scene in ireland?

    It's actually pretty active over there. Impressed.
  3. J

    Any BBW scene in ireland?

    I joined the group. When is the fun supposed to happen?
  4. J

    Any BBW scene in ireland?

    I should have known it would come to that. :eek: Have to give the site a look, EP.
  5. J

    FAs in the UK and Ireland. Where are you?

    Another FA in Ireland. Seems there's a few of us here, but few Irish BBW's allowing themselves to be admired.
  6. J

    Any BBW scene in ireland?

    I'm no ninja, I'm a pirate. It's all about the wenches. Argh.
  7. J

    my boyfriend wanted some sexy pics... let me know what you think :)

    Those pictures are pretty hot. I love NY.
  8. J

    Any BBW scene in ireland?

    Galway in the 90s, mental.
  9. J

    FAs in the UK and Ireland. Where are you?

    I thought you'd moved back. Looks like I gave myself too much credit n'all.
  10. J

    Another attempt for a dims bash?

    This sounds like a good idea right now, especially if it's "up north".
  11. J

    Any BBW scene in ireland?

    The Monday or Tuesday night crowd are great.
  12. J

    Any BBW scene in ireland?

    What harm could there be in having everyone come completely in the nip?
  13. J

    Any BBW scene in ireland?

    I think the problem there is that it's mostly lads there wanting a meet-up group. Doesn't seem to be many girls on that site with the same idea.
  14. J

    FAs in the UK and Ireland. Where are you?

    I assumed the fellas in England would have been fighting over you. Maybe I gave them too much credit. :doh:
  15. J

    Any BBW scene in ireland?

    Has this been resolved? :eat1:
  16. J

    FAs in the UK and Ireland. Where are you?

    This has to be a lie. Come on now.
  17. J

    Any BBW scene in ireland?

    Seems the lads outnumber the gals considerably. From one semi-lurker to another, welcome.
  18. J

    Any BBW scene in ireland?

    Well, that couldn't hurt.