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  1. T

    Muscular, Flabby, or Solid?

    I think women that are attracted to solid men are an example of the overlap between those on the other two extreme, and exist as the majority population not only because of the high variation of solid physiques, but also because a male who is solid can lean more towards muscular or more towards...
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    Muscular, Flabby, or Solid?

    Hello everyone! A topic of concern has piqued my interest as of late, and I thought it might be fun to bring it up here in the forum, as I have been quite busy and unfortunately absent here. Recently, I have decided to join a gym near where I live, as a good friend of mine's girlfriend works...
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    What do you do when people say "You've lost weight"?

    It's funny you mention this, because it's something that I frequently get asked/told by friends and family, as well as coworkers - all for slightly different reasons... My friends often times, even if they know I like being big, will often times tell me I look like I've lost weight or become...
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    Who saw Dr. Fail today? (Dr. Phil)

    Thank you, I appreciate the support. Despite exploring my fantasies in secret, I have have spent most of my childhood and adolescence repressed and ashamed of wanting to be big, when everyone else around me demonized my fat friends - now I'm an adult, and they can go screw themselves :D
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    Who saw Dr. Fail today? (Dr. Phil)

    I too was able to catch most of that Dr. Phil episode. I was disgusted by how much of a tool he has become, despite the fact that he is not qualified to make such judgements. Dr. Phil has an honorary doctrate that he received on the merits of a family counseling book that he wrote. A big...
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    I have a question to ask..

    It's actually funny you mentioned tight shirts.... This christmas, my oldest step-sister and her teenage son went out and bought me a trendy t-shirt that is one size too big, even though I'm obviously an XL. They're both very much into the hard rock/clubbing scene and the step-sister is dating...
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    I have a question to ask..

    Thank you all for such useful advice. I will put them to use next time such a situation comes up :)
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    I have a question to ask..

    If a woman is an FFA, but is either not aware of the fact or not expressing it in some way, how would I, as a BHM, be able to tell if she was interested in my size and possibly getting bigger? This may seem like a fairly juvenile question, but I sometimes have trouble reading some of the...
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    The Other Day....

    I guess maybe I overreacted, but I did feel a bit of resentment coming from him...
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    The Other Day....

    I was angry that he was making insinuations that I'm lazy and good-for-nothing- I didn't give him the time of day
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    The Other Day....

    The other day I was on the computer checking e-mail before bed, and my father (with whom I am currently living with while juggling college and work) was hassling me about my weight (again). In the job I'm hoping to get soon, I'm going to be doing a lot of walking while checking water meters at...
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    Hi, my name is Kevin

    Why thank you! And yes, fat DOES look good on everyone - male or female ;)
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    Hi, my name is Kevin

    Get online and send me a message: YIM: ouroborossoul AIM: underath52484 MSN: [email protected] Take your pick ;)
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    Hi, my name is Kevin

    That was a quick reply! :D
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    Hi, my name is Kevin

    That's what a good belly is there for - filling up with lots of food, and rubbing afterwards :eat2:
  16. T

    Hi, my name is Kevin

    I'm new to posting in dims, although I've been in and out of the chat for a while now. I thought I'd introduce myself :) I'm a 21yo male from Southern California I'm 5'11'' and @ 250lbs currently I've included a few recent pics of my current progress - hope you all like :eat2: Nice meeting...