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  1. G

    How to get fat

    As Hemingway said in "The Sun Also Rises": "Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly."
  2. G

    Anyone Fattened Up a BF or Hubby

    It’s a nice fantasy. For me, it’s as much about giving in and being submissive as it is about being fattened.
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    Guess what the person above you ate last and why you guess that?

    A salad with something fattening added to it. Because you want to eat healthy but can't resist cheating.
  4. G

    Anyone Fattened Up a BF or Hubby

    Fattening a husband is quite the hot topic lately: My husband is getting fat My husband got fat with my help My wife is fattening me
  5. G

    Skinny allys

    It’s wonderful to have you (and your donkey) here. Thank you for blessing us with your presence! It’s fine that you’re skinny, life would be boring if we were all alike.
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    What are you unhappy about today?

    In downtown Tacoma, some flagship restaurants are closing for good, and hotels are boarded up. There is considerable fear of what might be coming if this continues. Clothing stores and bowling alleys are also closing.
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    Anyone Fattened Up a BF or Hubby

    Cooking with lard is a classic husband fattening technique: https://www.confessionpost.com/64539/my-husband-is-getting-fat
  8. G

    Anyone Fattened Up a BF or Hubby

    Depends on the reasons why she has lost/you have gained. Is she playful about reminding you of your gains, indicating that she enjoys you bigger? Does she contrast her weight loss with your growth? Has the reversal in sizes also corresponded with a change in the dynamics of your relationship? Is...
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    FFA/BHM romances on film

    Sidney Greenstreet was in a string of films in the 1940s. Never a leading man, he was quite good at playing the heavy: Top 10 Sydney Greenstreet Films - IMDb I particularly liked his performance as Caspar Guttman in the Maltese Falcon:
  10. G

    Anyone Fattened Up a BF or Hubby

    There's also the idea of "commitment weight". Gaining weight demonstrates commitment to the relationship, a "wedding band" worn around the midsection that says "I'm taken". Also, gaining weight can predispose "fat and happy" men to demonstrate kinder behavior toward their partners and family...
  11. G

    You know you are an FFa when.......?

    When you enjoy a thread like this one: https://www.confessionpost.com/64539/my-husband-is-getting-fat
  12. G

    What is your weight right now?

    Weighed in at 257 pounds this morning. Was 227 at the start of quarantine. Oops....
  13. G

    Any other writers have this problem?

    Say it, no ideas but in things https://www.poetrynook.com/poem/paterson-0
  14. G

    what is the most weight you have put on in a year?

    I gained 40 pounds in 6 months after an auto accident, then after a 3 year gap, put on another 40 pounds in 6 months. Overall, I went from a 32 inch waistline to 44 inches.
  15. G

    What is the interest level here in stories that aren't directly about feederism/weight gain?

    I'd be fine with a story where a fat person is a villain. In the 1940s, Sydney Greenstreet was in a string of movies, including Casablanca and the Maltese Falcon, playing alongside the greatest stars in Hollywood. He was nominated for Best Supporting Actor for the role of Kasper Gutman (the...
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    Stories that feature therapy?

    Health anxiety can be treated with Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Not sure how well that might fit in your story, but here is an article reviewing the protocols and results: Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders: an update on the empirical evidence
  17. G

    BHMs who still work out?

    I'm in the same (squishy) boat, and am coming to the realization that I won't be able to get back in the gym anytime soon, so I need an alternative plan. The gyms near me have posted their plan for re-opening, and it doesn't inspire confidence. In the classes they are going to skip a...