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  1. SSBBW Shelly

    The NOT Hot Girl Thread!

    LOL This thread has me in stitches...So wrong in SO many ways!!
  2. SSBBW Shelly

    SSBBW in the Workplace

    Hey all, I was skimming through the threads and found this one. It speaks near and dear to my heart because my first boss was like that woman. He has no problems telling me that i was overweight, and even went so far as to send me to the kitchen (i worked at DQ) because i was "not appealing to...
  3. SSBBW Shelly

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Thank you so much for your kind welcome! Lots of love,:) ~Shelly~
  4. SSBBW Shelly

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Hi guys, Shelly here, from NC. I'm 36 and totally clueless about this place so if I miss something or faux pas, please forgive. Nice to meet yall! Lots of Love, ~Shelly~