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  1. evabb78

    Show off your swimsuit. :)

    I'm getting ready to go swimming in a little bit so I thought I would share what I look like in my swim suit.
  2. evabb78

    physical experience of gaining

    Growing up I was always one of the bigger kids. By the time I graduated high school I was a size 12. Then off to college. The freshman 15 came on really quick and by Christmas I gained 30 pounds and was wearing a 16. My friends and family accepted it and said Eva's just in college she'll...
  3. evabb78

    Fat Roulette: Where Will New Fat Show Up Next?

    Are you still eating ice cream every night. I am sure that your belly has gotten a little rounder.
  4. evabb78

    Talk About Your Latest Gains!

    I am almost at 340. And my belly is oh so soft.
  5. evabb78

    What Are You EATING right now?

    3 pieces of leftover Pizza Hut pizza and a big glass of pepsi. The breakfast of champions!
  6. evabb78

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Tonight I am going to a family picnic and I can't wait. Hot dogs, potato salad and brownies (3 of course). Here I come!