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  1. B

    Average Weight of Dims BBW Ladies

    I am 5' and was a comfortable 223, but, because of my back injury, the blasted doctor has demanded that I lose weight. It is a nightmare. I hate and despise diets, I love my butter, and creams, and gravies, and I make the best Seafood gumbo and shrimp etouffe around! *weeps* I am down to...
  2. B

    If this thread gets 1000 replies I’m leaving!!11!!1!

    OMG that is hilarious! You crapped at your own door? :bounce::shocked::eek:
  3. B

    New guy saying hi

    Compas! -hugs tightly- you posted. awesome
  4. B

    My First FA Sighting...LOL

    I would faint if I found a cute FA inmy area.
  5. B

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    a 9 pc original recipe bucket from KFC with a family size cole slaw, a mac n cheese, 4 biscuits with honey and a 2 liter Schweps ginger ale.... yep, I'm in a good mood today. :wubu:
  6. B

    Family and weight

    Nope, no pressure at all. I suppose if I actually spoke to my family they might have something to say, but I told them years ago that I am grown, and when they contribute to my rent, car note, shopping habits, clothes bill and grocery bill... THEN they can have something to say about...
  7. B

    Hello from Hell :)

    And people wonder why I hate this place? LOL... thanks for all of the lovely welcomes Everyone :batting:
  8. B

    What's your MIDDLE name?

    Thanks Mariac :)
  9. B

    When did you realize you were a BBW or a FA

    I starved myself to maintain a size 12 since I was 14, I even remember a short period when I was down to a size 9. But I was completely miserable. I love to eat and I adore cooking and now that I have had time to sit back and just be me, I'm a happy 18 or I might be closer to a 20 now. lol...
  10. B

    Do you have a weird food habit?

    I can't eat banana's because they are mushy food, nor can I eat a piece of fruit if it has the smallest bruise. Hmm... but i can eat banana foster... weird. LOL I don't like gravies or meat juices to touch my potatoes or veggies if it's not 'meant' to be that way. Same with veggie juices. I...
  11. B

    sciatica..evil thing..please help?

    I've had severe sciatica going on 20+ years. Neurotin is the drug of the gods. I had the cortisone injections and founf out that they are very iffy and at times are only temporary. Ibruprofin is no help at all when it's severe enough. Oxycotin just makes me sleep, Tylenol with codiene just...
  12. B

    What's your MIDDLE name?

    Mine is Zalif, but everyone calls me Z
  13. B

    How much weight does everyone want to gain in 2008?

    I have no weight goals at all. I eat what I like when I like and I've gained about 20lbs. 5'0 and 210 -poses-
  14. B

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Shrimp Piri Piri and a salad with catalina dressing, yumm
  15. B

    The 2008 Singles Thread

    Happily Divorced and so darn glad. I can actually be content with my size here, it's liberating!! -coughs- where was I? Oh yea.... Single but not actively looking, but I won't turn down a decent date :)
  16. B

    Hello from Hell :)

    Ho Ho Tai, i don't think I have a passport to go that far north of the Mason Dixon -shrug- -curties back to Green -:bow:
  17. B

    What did you want to be when you grew up?

    Pre-teen - Cheetara from Thundercats or Wonder Woman Teens - A Chef or A Teacher 20's - A chef 30's- Happy and a Truckdriver 40's - hmm... Not sure yet, can't drive a truck anymore so I have to figure out what i want to do when I grow up my doctor says. :doh:
  18. B

    Bernie Mac dies

    Bernie Mac was such a wonderful comedien. I can't think of a time that he didn't have me bent over in laughter with some of his antics. What is truely scary is that in the last 7 days, 3 actors who just completed a movie together have either passed or come close to it. Issac Hayes just...
  19. B

    Hello from Hell :)

    :wubu: You have all made me feel ever so welcome already. Congrats ImFree, our hottest month is august, but the hurricane did cool it off for a couple of days. wheee
  20. B

    Hello from Hell :)

    Yes, it is a million degree's outside with even higher humidty as usual. Hense why i call Houston " Hell" LOL I just joined the forum and hope to get to know you all as best I can. :) :kiss2: