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  1. W

    BBW Roll Call: Ladies, Represent!

    Hi Keri! I too am from Springfield Illinois but now reside in the UK. Welcome!
  2. W

    Confessions of married people

    Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus? I'm beginning to believe more and more that this is true. :)
  3. W

    Confessions of married people

    Why thank you BBWBud! That is most appreciated.:blush:
  4. W

    Confessions of married people

    I just noticed your comment and to answer it, no, I can't remember a time when I didn't feel this way. :confused:
  5. W

    Confessions of married people

    A great well thought out answer and I agree with you about communication and friendship. I suppose, like previous comments, one can imagine all sorts of scenarios that might be 'deal-breakers' on the sexual desire front. Perhaps men are different from women in that as a woman, I do not depend on...
  6. W

    Confessions of married people

    I think so too, which is why I wondered what others thought. Surely there has to be more to it than body mass? Thank you for the reply.
  7. W

    Nude Photographs Of Obese Women Feel Conflicting

    Oh definitely! Trust in the photographer would be crucial; not only to make me comfortable, but to make sure the photos wouldn't be used for and anti-fat message or something.
  8. W

    Nude Photographs Of Obese Women Feel Conflicting

    That's interesting that you say that about facial expressions because when I viewed the photographs I did not see many smiles. Some looked reticent and maybe a wee bit uncomfortable, but maybe I was reading my own ideas into it, which is what good art does, doesn't it?
  9. W

    Nude Photographs Of Obese Women Feel Conflicting

    Yes, I was wondering why she felt conflict coming into the viewing of these photos. I think many, including myself at first, have a hard time with fatness and the abundance of flesh. I think the conflict was entirely her own because she was offered the photos without explanation that satisfied...
  10. W

    Nude Photographs Of Obese Women Feel Conflicting

    Not Safe For Work I found this web site of a photographer who photographs 'obese' women. I thought you all might be interested. Do you agree about the conflict the author cites? The Full Beauty Project Here is another site called Unadorned , with some nude art photos as well.
  11. W

    Confessions of married people

    That's been true of me as well. Relaxing about being fat for a husband who loves it is comforting. However, I overheard him tell someone that he would love me no matter what size I was, but maybe not sexually attracted if I were smaller. That hurt a bit, but I realized that I can't make myself...
  12. W

    Confessions of married people

    Hmmm. Interesting question. Probably during the phases when I was not married, I didn't think about it at all. However, I've been married longer than I've been single, so I haven't had much time to focus on things that weren't for a husband's benefit.
  13. W

    Confessions of married people

    Well that's good to know!! In a world where everything is about sex all the time, it makes one feel odd doesn't it?
  14. W

    Confessions of married people

    I must be a cynic. I wish lust would disappear from all of my relationships because it seems to cause no end of problems. But that says more about me than it does about anyone I have a relationship with. I've found great comfort in the Asexual forums on another site. I don't think I was meant...
  15. W

    Confessions of married people

    I would hope that is true. For some it is all about lust and love is a nice byproduct; a bonus, if you will.
  16. W

    Confessions of married people

    Well that's certainly true!
  17. W

    Confessions of married people

    That's good. I have heard that there are some who would still love, but not be attracted due to the weight loss. An ex of mine, for instance, thought it was a deal-breaker if I gained weight. Oh, he loved me, he said, he just didn't desire me any longer. Hmmm.:blush:
  18. W

    Confessions of married people

    I love that word 'bi-sizal'. Excellent.
  19. W

    Confessions of married people

    Oh definitely. Crowing about a loss of weight is boring. But like the woman who's husband wanted her to lose weight because she was no longer attractive to him with a few pounds more than when they married, is there an inverse? If you desired your partner fat and then your fat partner becomes...