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  1. RedVelvet

    It's Not Me, It's You

    Oh yes. I used to go clubbing every night. I used to love parties, and I used to love taking huge risks. Clubbing..now? If I can manage to stay as long as it took me to get dressed, I consider it a triumph. Parties are tolerated if I can duck and hide a bit at them.. Small groups...
  2. RedVelvet

    Pornography's place in Size Acceptance

    There is none. I suppose it can help people feel less alone. Maybe that is supportive. But...porn is porn is porn. And it grows increasingly degrading, depressing and objectifying...bleh. I actually like porn..but it's hard to find the good stuff. I end up watching gay porn because the men...
  3. RedVelvet

    What do you like about the previous poster? Part Trois!

    Smart enough and funny enough to make me want to do this out of order and against the rules. Sorry person above me!
  4. RedVelvet


    One..this is hilarious for the names alone and I will be repping you. Two..what gets them off, I would venture, having never read one..is not the idea that they are being told to shut up, or to feel unvalued. I fear its purely about dominance, rescue and being taken...forcefully..with strong...
  5. RedVelvet

    Limbaugh's Views of Women

    We non Christians don't much care to be slapped either. Oh..who am I kidding..I LOVE IT! :kiss2:
  6. RedVelvet

    Virginia's Proposed Ultrasound Law

    Cept one involves stuff up one gender's genitals. What is your point? You feel raped every day by the government...ok, fine. I am sure sexual assault survivors totally feel your pain.
  7. RedVelvet

    Virginia's Proposed Ultrasound Law

    So, lessie..another aspect.. A woman is pregnant as the result of, say, rape, would have to have something large inserted into her against her will before she could terminate? Ok then.
  8. RedVelvet

    Fat Sexuality on boston.com

    These were very well written. Well done.
  9. RedVelvet

    There Was This Girl...

    Heck...I am thinking that's a PEOPLE situation.. FAs, and everyone else too.
  10. RedVelvet

    Female: You're Doing it wrong.

    Thanks all for chiming in...I appreciate all your perspectives.
  11. RedVelvet

    Santorum's impressive hat-trick

    Seriously. Hands OFF business, but hands down your pants. I fecking love the culture wars.
  12. RedVelvet

    Santorum's impressive hat-trick

    True. Well said. And scary as hell.
  13. RedVelvet

    Female: You're Doing it wrong.

    But that makes sense, of course. I would assume that the Military favors "female" and "male" because of its historically more clinical and non personal tone. It works for your environment.
  14. RedVelvet

    Court Upholds Right of Gays to Marry

    :D I'm working on the loving part. Or rather, the compassion part. But it's hard to feel compassion towards those who attempt to scold me into tolerating their intolerance. The other day, seriously.. someone attempted the tired old "Oh, you liberals, SOOO intolerant. If I believe gays are...
  15. RedVelvet

    Court Upholds Right of Gays to Marry

    Yes, the poor (Non Welcoming) churches. Will they be able to discriminate and exclude in peace? I do hope so. I genuinely do, given that this is a group that boasts 80% of the US population and still manages to feel persecuted. Their right, of course. Enjoy, or whatever it is one feels when one...
  16. RedVelvet

    Female: You're Doing it wrong.

    I hear ya, and I am sure that is part of it!..... And yet, I chafe like crazy when people insinuate that, for example, I am for gay rights simply because my brother is gay. I mean...the fuck? That's right. My critical thinking skills are just that poor. I needs helps by my immediate...
  17. RedVelvet

    Female: You're Doing it wrong.

    Oh good...and I REALLY appreciate what you wrote in private. It's lovely to be understood.
  18. RedVelvet

    Female: You're Doing it wrong.

    Oh TAD, don't take it as a dig, my friend. It was not a dig at anyone who chose not to post, but an expression of a classic frustration of feeling supported, but, yanno, invisibly. Which is also a classic internet forum meme. ("I have private supporters! I have private supporters!") I...
  19. RedVelvet

    Female: You're Doing it wrong.

    I get it. I apologize for my defensiveness. I just realized something interesting, and I mean I JUST freakin remembered this. ...when I was younger and my dad was still alive....he and his brothers used to refer to "good women" as ladies, and "bad women" as "females".... by good and bad...
  20. RedVelvet

    Female: You're Doing it wrong.

    I thank you so very much! (and on a private note...while I prefer babies on toast, the sentiment is much appreciated. Much!) :kiss2: