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  1. Judge_Dre

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    You look adorable, Heather! Awesome dress.
  2. Judge_Dre


    I've had my fair share of people with bogus profiles answer my dating ads. Extremely fat women are hard to find, especially ones who want to grow so I look to the Internet to find a suitable match. The process is marred by the presence of fake profiles. It is so disheartening. I often feel I...
  3. Judge_Dre

    7 Deadly Sins - Gluttony episode

    Has anyone checked out the new documentary show 7 Deadly Sins? It's a fascinating show hosted by Morgan Spurlock on Showtime that examines stories that represent the traditional seven deadly sins. I was pleased to see the Gluttony episode. One of the subjects in that episode was the ssbbw web...
  4. Judge_Dre

    woman writes article about missing being 300lbs+

    This was a pretty honest article and she really made some interesting observations. http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-13018/5-things-i-miss-about-weighing-more-than-300-pounds.html
  5. Judge_Dre

    Dr. Oz gets a grilled by Senate

    Dr. Oz found himself in the hot seat at a congressional hearing on weight-loss claims and fraud. http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/17/health/senate-grills-dr-oz/
  6. Judge_Dre

    classic size-acceptance book

    While leaving my friend's barbecue recently, I came across this book that was left out on the street with a pile of other used books. I often collect used books, but of that pile, only one caught my attention. The cover said, "Stop Dieting, Start Living" and "Fat Can be Beautiful." I snatched...
  7. Judge_Dre

    Yay!! I'm Back To My Fattening Ways lol

    Oh, we love the numbers. Thanks for sharing. You have to many beautiful pounds on you for a normal scale. SSBBWs deserve special scales. Don't listen to your doctor when he says lose weight. You look great! :smitten:
  8. Judge_Dre

    The older I find myself attracted to increasingly bigger and bigger women

    I've had the same experience a well. It might be that we were all attracted to the supersized originally. As we age we become a lot more comfortable with who we are and less inclinded to fall into peer pressure to conform.
  9. Judge_Dre

    Coming Out of FA Closet - Worse Experiences

    I've seen many people post about being in the FA closet. Some people here may very well still be in the closet about their attraction to fat people. I've never had any real problems about this, but I'm curious about others who do. What has been the worse experience you have encountered that...
  10. Judge_Dre

    Is it harder to come out as an FA or an FFA?

    I didn't mean to come off judgmental. Sorry you took it that way. I just wanted to point out that "coming out" doesn't have to be so serious or hard to do.
  11. Judge_Dre

    Is it harder to come out as an FA or an FFA?

    My main beef with the the "in the closet" terminology is that the closet for gays is way more serious than it is for us fat admirers. Gays stay in the closet for fear of their lives. Gays are murdered for being gay, fired for being gay and lose family relationships for being gay. Can any of us...
  12. Judge_Dre

    the bigger the girlfriend, the less tolerant everyone is?

    Definitely. in the beginning when I was with curvy women, it was a lot of positive stuff like, "real women have curves." When it was chubby girls, it became more "big is beautiful." Now with SSBBWs I'm getting accused of being an enabler and given guilt trips.
  13. Judge_Dre

    Are the couple on weight loss shows in denial of their true feelings?

    Being the extreme fat admirer that I am, I often watch My 600 Pound Life. In many episodes I see obese people unwilling to change lifestyle to lose weight and even their partners resistant to make changes as well. The fat people are often labeled as being manipulative over their partners and...
  14. Judge_Dre

    the bigger the girlfriend, the less tolerant everyone is?

    I have noticed a correlation to the size of my dates and the acceptance I get from others. When I was a teenager and dated curvy or thick girls, everyone around was very accepting. They can tell I liked women with extra pounds on them and they didn't think anything of it. By the time i got to...
  15. Judge_Dre

    Japans idea of plus size

    They're cute, but I would feed them some more green tea ice cream and Poky chocolate sticks to fatten them up.
  16. Judge_Dre

    Taboo USA: Extreme obesity

    That was an awesome documentary! I'm a big fan of Taboo and National Geographic, but I missed this episode. Thanks for posting it.
  17. Judge_Dre

    Expert thinks we should shame the obese to lose weight

    So apparently fat people are made to feel bad about themselves enough for one so-called expert. http://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/11/13/fat-shame/
  18. Judge_Dre

    Ajay Rochester

    Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
  19. Judge_Dre

    Ajay Rochester

    Wow! I never knew this woman existed until today. I was at the pharmacy waiting on line when I noticed the current issue of Star magazine. It was their Best and Worst Bodies Issue. There was a BBW in the upper right corner of the cover so I had to take a peek. It turned out to be Ajay Rochester...
  20. Judge_Dre

    Crushes on Teachers

    Mrs. Crimmins was a lovely SSBBW who taught Spanish in my junior high school. She had the sexiest waddle and gorgeous fat arms. She brought her daughter to work one day and she was just liek her mom -big, blonde and beautiful.