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  1. wrestlingguy

    Fans Are Attacking Amy Schumer For Her Offensive New Movie ‘I Feel Pretty’

    So many people dissing a movie they haven't seen yet. From the clip, it looks to me like the movie is trying to say your body doesn't make you sexy, your confidence does. It is also a comedy so it has to be funny. There is so much more to complain about than this movie, like why fat people...
  2. wrestlingguy

    "Why are the plus-size champions shrinking before our eyes?" by Chloe Elliot

    I generally don't see models as spokespeople for any other social cause, and don't really want or need them speaking out on this issue either. I think true leaders of fat acceptance and body positivity are not getting the media time that they deserve. And yes, I'm well aware of the difference...
  3. wrestlingguy

    Is it just me, or is social media itself the problem?

    THIS. For those of you who haven't read the blog Why I'm Over The Size Acceptance Movement or Hey, SA, What Have You Done For Me Lately?, I strongly urge you to do so. While the blog doesn't specifically address the point made here by TwoSwords (who has made some very salient points in the...
  4. wrestlingguy

    Is it just me, or is social media itself the problem?

    And with this, I'm out. For the record, I did ask for some input from another gender because I did feel it's more important to hear from those most impacted by fat bias & body judgment. Also for the record, seeing this kind of comment from an admin on this forum saddens me, not because I...
  5. wrestlingguy

    Is it just me, or is social media itself the problem?

    I never said that these incidents occurred because of Feminism. I also say that I have difficulty connecting the dots to arrive at Feminism, though that doesn't mean it absolutely is not true, and I would ask TwoSwords to elaborate on that. The only connection I can make is that Fat Acceptance...
  6. wrestlingguy

    Is it just me, or is social media itself the problem?

    I can't speak for AirboatRunner. While I think that "ruined" might not be the best word used to describe it (everyone moves on, regardless of emotional/physical damage), the fact remains that an incredible amount of bullying & harassment went on in the community. Case in point. Right around...
  7. wrestlingguy

    Is it just me, or is social media itself the problem?

    Not so much a "study", but it's uplifting to see someone from the sciences discuss the topic intelligently, adding personal experience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jn0Ygp7pMbA
  8. wrestlingguy

    Is it just me, or is social media itself the problem?

    Not that I want this discussion to turn into perceptions of health of fat people (because the rest of the thread is fascinating in many ways), but I am a big proponent of contemporary research that being fat isn't as unhealthy as one would think. I constantly look for studies that support this...
  9. wrestlingguy

    In Rememberance

    I heard from a mutual friend today that Debora Thomas passed away. Many of the veterans of Dimensions going back to the 90's will remember Debora & her infectious smile. I'm sure many others have fond memories of Debora, who was quite active in the community years ago. May she rest in peace.
  10. wrestlingguy

    First FA experience

    I agree with Larry The Noodle Guy, that a gentleman never tells. But I can talk around it without being specific. I was 14, a freshman in high school. Girl was small by today's standards, but clearly considered fat for that time (we're going back lots of decades here). Since I was a kid, I'd...
  11. wrestlingguy

    RIP Fats Domino

    Written in 1949, some rock critics claim (arguably) that this was the first rock & roll song. Growing up, while I liked Elvis Presley, I loved Fats Domino, who had more of a New Orleans blues sound. Rest in Peace, fat man..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICq9lEqj4cI
  12. wrestlingguy

    Lookism and #MeToo

    The unfortunate thing is that men who either HAVE engaged in sexual assault or know other men who have done the same won't ever have a hashtag to designate how pervasive it is from the male side. In fact, there are men using the woman who came forward to accuse Nelly of sexual assault to make...
  13. wrestlingguy

    body positivity versus reality

    Your first guess was wrong, but feel free to pigeonhole me wherever it's convenient for you. Since you have not responded directly to any of the points I've raised, I hope you realize you're doing the same thing you're accusing me of. I actually happen to be sympathetic to your situation...
  14. wrestlingguy

    body positivity versus reality

    Maybe this entire discussion should be moved to the FA board? I think most people (especially those outside our world) looks at it as a guy & his girl who are in love. Whether she happens to be fat, chubby, plump or whatever is a sidenote to the story. If the rest of the world outside of us...
  15. wrestlingguy

    body positivity versus reality

    I've spent many years thinking I was wasting my words in the forums here over the years. I still come back though. Maybe I just have a lot of words to waste. I think we all come here for the dialogue. At least it used to be that way here a long time ago. We share perspectives here. They're...
  16. wrestlingguy

    body positivity versus reality

    This. I don't see what guys who like fat women "go through". I don't see trials & tribulations because of my attraction to fat women. Even if I did, I'm pretty sure whatever I went through would be nothing compared to what women go through on a daily basis. Maybe it's because I'm older, or...