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  1. Sydney Vicious

    Lies Your Parents Told You

    WOW they took that to a way darker level than I've ever heard of... holy cow! *dun dun tss* I think another good wacky one was my dad told me that mountain goats could make their legs shorter or longer similar to how turtles do so they could better balance when they walked around a mountain.
  2. Sydney Vicious

    Lies Your Parents Told You

    Chocolate milk comes from brown cows. If you watch tv all day your brain will turn to mush and come out of your ears. There's a monster in my advent calendar and if I take a chocolate a day early he'll bite off my fingers. There are a few more but to list them all might make me sound like the...
  3. Sydney Vicious

    Governer Gregoire of WA state to propose Gay Marriage bill.

    http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/politicsnorthwest/2017157564_gregoire_to_introduce_gay_marr.html My home state, of which I am *very* proud right now, has the potential to become the seventh state in the country where marriage equality is a real thing.
  4. Sydney Vicious


    I'm starting to feel like all of the cartoons really are just getting... 'softer' and way more pc every year. I mean, ours weren't all gore and profanity, but I'm noticing that there aren't many cartoons on these days that touch on real problems and more so just make 'dora the explorer' esque...
  5. Sydney Vicious

    What does our generation stand for?

    oh fine, BE super-literal... ass! hehehehe ;) you know I play.
  6. Sydney Vicious

    What does our generation stand for?

    We're another generation of too-young veterans, and a generation made by the the 'work for everything' and 'give me everything' generations. We're a bit torn, and far too divided over things we aren't even sure of. We argue that there ought not be a class system, yet use it's very essence to...
  7. Sydney Vicious


    I thought this would be a good spot to end my 2ish month hiatus from the forums, I fucking love the 90's. Watching Gargoyles with a bigass bowl of SpaghettiO's, AHHH Real monsters, gold plated pokemon cards?! I miss the good old days when saturday morning cartoons were good, and I remember...
  8. Sydney Vicious

    To My Tanners...

    Maui Babe bronzing oil ^_^ It's got coffee in it and smells amaaaaazing plus it makes your skin babybooty soft!
  9. Sydney Vicious


    If you ever find yourself near Bellingham hit me up!
  10. Sydney Vicious

    assistance please : )

    I'm going to try to embody "bi-FURIOUS" as best I can ^_^
  11. Sydney Vicious

    Single for the first time in years..

    Thanks, I'll be ok in time, it's just really strange. My question is sort of about both! The entire idea of 'dating' just seems goofy haha
  12. Sydney Vicious

    assistance please : )

    I'm bi-curious, and newly single, so I'm probably going to see if any ladies around here want to teach me stuff, but I have a bit of a dilemma. How do I go about courting a woman? How do I say I want to keep it casual without sounding like a total weirdo? How do I know if a woman is...
  13. Sydney Vicious

    Single for the first time in years..

    And to be honest, I've completely forgotten how to date. so.. mini back story... I was with my ex for over three and a half years, and I recently became single again after I found out he had been cheating on me for about three months. I'm still really wavy and in and out between being...
  14. Sydney Vicious

    Is God punishing Texas?

    but... it's BIGGER dirt and BIGGER plants. ....also... god has nothing to do with the fires.
  15. Sydney Vicious

    i apologize, yet again

    ahem... http://www.dimensionsmagazine.com/forums/showthread.php?t=79705 you didn't make it even a year before having to give another grandiose "apology" yikes.
  16. Sydney Vicious

    Newbie/ I think I'm completely mental/ advice

    1- Everything CastingPearls said. 2- Don't ever let some creep try to perv all over you, you're better than that : ) Maybe instead of telling people you're super inexperienced (as CP said, that makes you look like an easy target), just wait and see how the first date goes. If they pull in for a...
  17. Sydney Vicious

    California city demands Christians get permit for Bible study in their home

    Pretty confident the Constitution defends what they're doing... I mean, does the state of California remember what "freedom of religion" is?
  18. Sydney Vicious

    Ladies Only Please

    So glad to hear you're ok!! Maybe next time go a little slower and add a little lube somehow, perhaps during foreplay?
  19. Sydney Vicious

    Ladies Only Please

    Hope to hear back about what the doc says! I was just making guesses b.c a girlfriend of mine hooked up with a really big guy and it tore her a bit, nothing a bit of time and Ibuprofen can't fix :)
  20. Sydney Vicious

    Ladies Only Please

    1- go to the doc ASAP! 2- is he much bigger than other partners you've had in the past? 3- were you "ready"? like, should you have used more lubricant?