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  1. Next_Exit

    What is your SA (size acceptance) history?

    How old are ya?
  2. Next_Exit

    Yummy Snack

    Now I'm hungry.
  3. Next_Exit

    Sexy smell

    In college, I was always hard up for money so I couldn't buy a nice perfume. It's always been hard for me anyway because I have the most sensitive skin imaginable. I was in walmart one day and found this stuff called "juicy" aftershower spray. I bought for 3.95 that supposedly smelled like gummi...
  4. Next_Exit

    What is your favorite Birthday Cake?

    Hmm...I love this one cake... I take a chocolate box cake and make it normally, but I play with it when it comes out of the oven. I take a wooden spoon and punch holes in it and pour butterscotch (ice cream topping) into the holes. I always put alot because well...I like the taste. lol...
  5. Next_Exit

    Great in Theory, Lousy in Execution

    Oh, wow awesome! *looks for rolos and subscribes to the food network*
  6. Next_Exit

    Say Something Completely Random About Yourself!

    :p back atcha. lol. I hope so. Glad to know I'm not the only insomniac on here tonight.
  7. Next_Exit

    Say Something Completely Random About Yourself!

    Dang, I haven't posted much. lol
  8. Next_Exit

    Say Something Completely Random About Yourself!

    Gimme :D YUM!
  9. Next_Exit

    Food and Sex

    Ahhhh I get it now. lol! Thank you :)
  10. Next_Exit

    Food and Sex

    lol! I'm 26
  11. Next_Exit

    Food and Sex

    what do you do with an altoid?
  12. Next_Exit

    Lasagne Issue

    Wow! I didn't know my little question would take off so well. lol. I am going to try it all probably because I love all the suggestions. :D :wubu:
  13. Next_Exit

    Lasagne Issue

    Okay, so I've been making lasagne a lot lately (Something I've been steadily craving). The only thing is it tastes a little bland to me. Is there a seasoning I'm supposed to put into the ricotta or something? I use the noodles, the ricotta, spaghetti sauce (in a can), and some mushrooms topped...
  14. Next_Exit

    Great in Theory, Lousy in Execution

    I tried that once too. Candy and cake or brownies...good idea. Candy and cake or brownies baked at the same time? NOT so good an idea. I'll tell you what did work though. I baked white cake mix in a muffin pan with pineapple on the bottom...worked great!
  15. Next_Exit

    Food and Sex

    a jumbo peppermint stick. the kind you get at christmas.
  16. Next_Exit

    Great in Theory, Lousy in Execution

    I tried making a Rolo Cake. You know rolos, candy with the caramel in them? well I put the rolos in the batter and bam. They sunk straight to the bottom and stuck to the pan, so when I flipped the cake out I had five huge holes in the cake bottom and the rolos were on the pan.I had to fill the...
  17. Next_Exit

    The most underrated Super Heroes of all time

    I still have that conversation we had about gay superheroes. Should I post it?? ROTFLMO. Casey
  18. Next_Exit

    Say Something Completely Random About Yourself!

    I would look cute in that habit the nuns wear.
  19. Next_Exit

    Say Something Completely Random About Yourself!

    Maybe I should just become a nun.