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  1. psychdocva

    2012 Singles Thread

    Awww Ash, I love ya girl...Practically have been in lust since I wrote you on POF years ago. But you never wrote back...*sniff*
  2. psychdocva

    2012 Singles Thread

    Have to say that if one were inclined to love the larger size (and really - if you're not, why are you here?) there is quite an impressive bunch of single folk on here...no matter where you are... And if your potential love is three states away - (or three territories for you out of the...
  3. psychdocva

    2012 Singles Thread

    I don't know - Usually in these sorts of things, when people ask for advice, I like to get to know them, as well as their perspective on the situation - I can tell you though that even superficially after reading your post, there's probably a lot more to the situation...not picking a fight with...
  4. psychdocva

    2012 Singles Thread

    BRAVO! Well said. Though I don't think it's the end of the world... Unless you're single on Dec. 21st 2012 (or whatever it is)
  5. psychdocva

    What is your weight right now?

    6'2, 238. It's all that good country cooking I do. NOMS.
  6. psychdocva

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    7 So, I should say that I went to film school, so I see movies a little differently than a lot of people. I also know that there were a shit-ton of people who worked on this film that don't ever get mentioned in the marquee...so my hat is off to them. The good: Lots of action...
  7. psychdocva

    2012 Singles Thread

    Well - So nice to have y'all along - just wouldn't be a good time without you.
  8. psychdocva

    Single and/or childless in your 30s

    Aw, shucks.
  9. psychdocva


    33 here - until Feb. 28th, then I'll be 34... *twiddles thumbs*
  10. psychdocva

    Internet Dating: Crazy First Messages

    If you're inclined to read it - I am on POF - find the name "PsyfoDeus" I really try to write in a friendly form - I know that strangers are reading, thus I avoid the piggishness that I hear is all too common on those pages. I think, more often than not, that people go into online dating...
  11. psychdocva

    Single and/or childless in your 30s

    Never married...no kids... Regrets? Nah...life is good. (and yeah, that's me in the picture at about 2 or 3 years old...lol)
  12. psychdocva

    2012 Singles Thread

    Sex-free? I shudder to think. I do believe I would climb the walls on my fingernails to relieve the tensions...
  13. psychdocva

    2012 Singles Thread

    Well bless your heart. Here's hoping the third proposal this year is the charm...
  14. psychdocva

    2012 Singles Thread

    Well it's that time again...the days of 2011 are in their twilight, as time begins to turn a new page... I have to admit to y'all - I haven't been nearly as active on this board as I had meant to be when I first joined, but I felt compelled tonight to hop on and write...to express directly to...
  15. psychdocva

    FA/FFA Where Do you Live?

    Norfolk, Virginia. Land of the Navy. But I'm not a sailor, go figure. :doh:
  16. psychdocva

    2010 Singles Thread

    Am still single in December... Where oh where are the big girls in Virginia who are single... Hmmm...
  17. psychdocva

    Free Music Part II

    Welcome to my evolution as a musician...last time I wrote here, I threw down a download link to a really boring looking site and heard that nothing came out the way I intended...my how things have changed... I now have my own site where you can listen to/broadcast/and download my stuff for free...
  18. psychdocva

    So do you like (free) music?

    Dear Friend, Yes, some of it is totally computer generated...good ears! I try to mask it so that it sounds "real". Some of it though is done via keyboards and live musicians that I then take and twist and process around so that it fits the tempo and timbre of the piece... I've added a...
  19. psychdocva

    So do you like (free) music?

    Pardon the totally cliche subject line, but as it turns out, I compose music...music to move your ass to, so to speak...and I'm working on my third song so my sister can run to it, and I thought I would offer my wares to you guys, for free downloading and placing on your Ipod. Never seeking to...
  20. psychdocva

    You're not a Christian.

    Yes! That's correct! That's absolutely correct! No more calls, folks...we have a winner! The psychdoc is a Jew. L'Chaim!