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  1. W

    Supersize characters in books and literature

    Maury Chaykin and Timothy Hutton starred in an A&E series based on Nero Wolfe - very different from the earlier Bill Conrad series but still enjoyable. The script hew more closely to the books. A curiosity of the series, fun once you get used to it, is the same repertory group appearing in...
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    Rosie Mercado on Body Shamers, Haters & Her 200 Lb Weight Loss

    It's her life. No matter how much I may have liked her previous appearance, and whatever her reasons, I don't have the right to tell her what to do. The best of luck to her, and to all of us as we make our own decisions. Requiring her to give explanations, and that every detail of the...
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    2 millionth post on Dimensions

    Thanks from all the lurkers. We don't go to the conventions. Our own lives may not have any dimensions comparable to those who are living the dream here or simply choosing to rock what genes or environment have given them. But it enriches our own lives to read and see what others are doing. As...
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    Weight of the nation (HBO)

    ...HBO is the channel for "Game of Thrones," which has a number of well-fed characters, though the series, now in its second season, has not yet presented the fattest character in the original novels, Lord Manderley, who is described in one book as needing a special double-wide chair but by a...
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    Game of Thrones

    Came across the series by accident and was not surprised that HBO renewed for a second season the night of the first episode of the first season! I'm close to finishing the third book. The story just gets better and better. The series hews pretty close to it, apart from minimal adjustments to...
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    Nursing FINALLY acknowledges fat bias

    We should not be surprised that doctors and nurses bought into skinnyphilia, or that they are beginning to get over it. Humans are prone to faddish thinking. In the 1960s when the natural childbirth movement got rolling, many doctors and hospitals discouraged and subverted it. By the 1970s...
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    Marriage Minded?

    I was happily married to my late wife and lucky enough to be happily married again. Rather than no-sex-before-marriage, I recommend no marriage before marriage; that is, try living together first. You can sort out issues, figure out who does what in the relationship, and any issues you're...
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    One Size Fits All

    AOL picked up an article on www.stylelist.com which speaks approvingly of the comparison. One of its captions struck me. "V Magazine tackles the size issue by showing two models with two very different body types wearing the exact same thing," it says, but at a glance one is struck instead...
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    R.I.P Rhonda :(

    Maybe another person who has read Dimensions for years while seldom posting should respond to the most recent privacy posts. Sure, I'm curious about Rhonda, whom I still remember as "4u" - I'm curious to know more about the private lives of the many living ladies we revere in this corner of...
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    Europeans and Fat

    The average American did not choose to eat all those fast food meals, but fell into the habit of eating on the run because the global economy now obliges people to work longer hours and the growing population means we waste a lot of time in traffic. How many times have you dined at the...
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    Has There Ever Been A Poll Of Zodiac Sign

    Cancer Sun/Mars; Virgo rising; Venus in Taurus; lots of friends and lovers were born in the first third of November. Learned how to plot horoscopes as a lark. You can get yours for free from Astrodienst (www.astro.com) including some interpretation. Here's the thing. It's been thousands of...
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    Christian Gainers vs. "The Sin of Gluttony"

    We babyboomer guys remember from our school days that religious girls were often the most well-fed. The days of working mothers had arrived but born-agains were more likely to have a stay-at-home mom putting feasts on the table nightly. Second helpings seemed pretty wholesome at a time of free...
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    Who Was The Biggest Impact on Your Road To Self Acceptance?

    Out here in the "real world" the vast majority of women are fat to some extent but hate being fat, no matter how healthy or sexy they are, so it has been a great help over the years to encounter, through this site, such trailblazers as Heather and AnnMarie and Cindy and Cat/Katrina, as well as a...
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    Who Was The Biggest Impact on Your Road To Self Acceptance?

    The Greeks said that pretending to be brave was the beginning of real courage. As a teen I made a point of telling people, whenever it fit in a conversation, that I had a preference for bigger girls, because I was afraid of an embarrassing disclosure by someone else. I announced it myself...
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    I need your thoughts on HOT bodies.....

    The key difference between one's lover and other women is that one cannot feel the other women, only see them, often from a distance. A man who appreciates the look of a hardbody woman may prefer the feel of real woman. And we have read many times in these pages over the years of men who...
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    XXL Travel on the Travel Channel August 2nd

    I think many people are more sympathetic to the problems experienced by very large people flying because the seats on airplanes are so small that almost everybody feels cramped. I'm 5'10, a solid 250 lbs., not all that massive in today's America, but coach is a tight squeeze. My shoulders are...
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    Fat Teachers

    Interesting thread. In high school I had a crush on a beautiful teacher who was 10 years older than me. She carried 190 to 210 pounds in all the right places. There was another teacher who had an immense, pillowy butt whom I watched very closely whenever she was around. Another formative...
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    Hawaii is Amazing!

    Dimensions readers have long understood that fat people often remain in excellent health if they keep moving. Fat people are thick on the ground in Hawaii, and, while some have fallen into other bad habits that will shorten their lives, most eat diets heavy in fish and fruit and get plenty of...
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    Big booty was the stone age rage

    As recently as 20 years ago it was routinely written that outsized Venus statues from ancient times were exaggerated beyond reality. Now it's routinely theorized that the three-bucks-and-change look may have been commonly achieved in those days, at least by one coddled member of the tribe...
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    good fat days - bad fat days

    Several matters are in play here. The first is actual physical conditions that are more of a problem some days than others. You'll get, or should get, sympathy from slim people with bad knees, which act up more on some days than others, or people who get migraines from time to time. The...