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    Are pitchers athletes?

    The debate rages in sporting circles; however, much like the fat man touchdown, who can hate on the fat man strikeout from the 6'2", listed at 320 pound pitcher for St. Thomas in the NAIA World Series...

    BBW Bash Etiquette Rules

    Thought I would check back in and see if we had settle the question of whether or not there was sex in the Champagne Room. The Champagne Room....brought to you by Miller High Life, the Champagne (sham-PAG-nah) of Beers!

    BBW Bash Etiquette Rules

    Yes, I'm wearing these Ray-Bans indoors because...I got my eyes dilated today and I'm temporarily blind and not because I'm trying to look like Tom Cruise in Risky Business, only 1' 4" taller? I could see Mini pulling that off....

    BBW Bash Etiquette Rules

    There are only a couple of rules: 1) Don't be a dick (or the female equivalent thereof). Everyone's there for a good time; don't mistake that for everyone being there for YOUR good time. 2) Take things in stride. Guess what? There will be another one. Someone will get you a paper bag...

    NJ woman attempting to become world's fattest lady

    Since I think I know the answer (492?) I'll not participate...:rolleyes:

    R.I.P Rhonda :(

    That's terrible. Obviously, our thoughts and prayers go out to those she left behind.:(

    DC in December. Anyone? Anyone?

    I am officially looking forward to RaiVenne's photos. Those should be Grrrrrrreat!

    DC in December. Anyone? Anyone?

    Nothing like lounging in the jacuzzi while watching the snow fall. And the jacuzzi held six of us at once. Fairly impressive. Some skinny girls came into the pool house towards the end. I voted for some subtle stretching and bouncing in the pool near them, but we decided instead to leave...

    DC in December. Anyone? Anyone?

    Personally, I'm enjoying sitting around in my boxer shorts right now. But the cheesecake was good, too.
  10. TCUBOB

    DC in December. Anyone? Anyone?

    So far, it's nice. I think this joint is nicer than where I live. I gotta move into a Residence Inn.
  11. TCUBOB

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Couple of recent ones while I was "supporting" the World e-Parliament Conference 2009. Yes, I'm in all black, including the tie and underwear. It was day 3 1/2 and we were ALL getting testy. I thought it would give me an air of menace. And it did...several foreign delegates solicited me to...
  12. TCUBOB

    is kelligirl dead?

    Actually, she's alive and playing WOW. Who knew? Ask Mango, AM, Beej...and a bunch of others who were on last night. She's crafty...
  13. TCUBOB

    Moob: How do you feel about them

    I gotta say, it's the least favorite part of my body. I'm fairly comfortable with everything else but I absolutely loathe the fact that I have jiggly breasts.
  14. TCUBOB

    oy, it's letters to people and things!

    While we're on baseball..... Dear Bud (and you too, Drayton): Thanks for effing my Astros. Appreciate it. Really. Because playing home games against the Cubs in Milwaukie would be like playing a home game against the Mets in Philly. Except you could count on Philly fans to show up and...
  15. TCUBOB

    letters to people and things thread

    It's one of the great mysteries of men. We're totally transparent, yet totally inscrutable. Sorry, Misty.
  16. TCUBOB

    oy, it's letters to people and things!

    Zat is unacceptablez! Zat is outrageouz! Zat is un-Americanz! Plus "soo" "Simbabwe" (sounds like it was named after the Lion King) "sebras" and "sombies" (what, do they have some sort of sleep disorder?) just don't cut ze muztard!
  17. TCUBOB

    oy, it's letters to people and things!

    Didn't you get the memo? Things with a "z" are cooler....er....coolerz!
  18. TCUBOB

    DC/MD/VA Area People: Show Yourselves!!!

    Well, much like the Scooby gang, I love a good mystery. So I'm in for the Ashley date.
  19. TCUBOB

    DC/MD/VA Area People: Show Yourselves!!!

    Ooooo.....can I be the first to say "Will the mystery guest please sign in?"
  20. TCUBOB

    What's your BMI Guys?

    6' 6", 312 lbs, so 36.1