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  1. fishhat

    Need help with tiny FFA . . ?

    Yay! I'm excited for you! :D Please keep us updated. I like to live vicariously through other people on the internet! Also, sorry for the delayed response.
  2. fishhat

    Need help with tiny FFA . . ?

    I can't even begin to count the number of times men have tried to interest myself or my friends by talking about themselves FOREVERRRR. Not that all or even most guys are necessarily like this. I also can't begin to count the number of times I've fallen for a guy who actually listens...
  3. fishhat

    Finally worked up some courage... ( Pics )

    heh you look like someone i'd find at one of the goth clubs i like to go to when i'm not too busy hehe you are pretty cute!
  4. fishhat

    Black Men.

    :3 Furthermore, I didn't know we were allowed to use the f-word here! Woohoo!
  5. fishhat

    Something that REALLY bothers me...

    Some people are so superficial and narcissistic that first of all they cannot see how you could love someone for WHO they are and secondly (narcissistic) because they cannot see how you can find someone sexually attractive who looks NOTHING like them, or the "norm". "OH WHAT IS THAT GIRL DOING...
  6. fishhat

    How did you find Dimensions?

    Weekend Web on somethingawful.com
  7. fishhat

    She is still amazing me!

    this is a very good idea. these things plus pizza. plus a gallon of chocolate milk.
  8. fishhat

    BHM or no????

    if you are bmi says you're overweight than i would say yes
  9. fishhat

    Fat boys show your pride!!!

    Fat women are just a fetish! Wow. So you're fooling around with fillers until someone you actually care about comes along? Am I sensing some chauvinism in that post?
  10. fishhat

    Eating Disorder related to preference/attraction?

    i was severely anerexic when i was 18 now i'm still struggling. and i fantasize about feeding. i have a friend who is as thin as a i was because he doesn't eat. he, too, thinks a lot about fat people. i met another person on line, who barely eats and is as thin as a rail, who finds feeding...
  11. fishhat

    im such a closet fa

    This guy came here for support. I don't understand what the problem is? Let's not be mean, everyone. I have this advice for you, however, Mr. Closet FA: read an Ayn Rand book. No joke! If you have read another one, or read it again! She has helped me so much in not being ashamed of myself...
  12. fishhat

    Some Assembly Required?

    i like to fatten them up myself!
  13. fishhat

    Oh come on guys

    Big Wide Land is the only guy that posts pictures? I thought this thread was to get you guys to post! Thread does not deliver :( Also, thanks to you Blubberboy as well!
  14. fishhat

    Where are the Skinny FFAs at?

    this page is so cute!!! thanks!
  15. fishhat

    So gents, tell me a little about yourselves...

    Name: fishhat Something interesting about you: NOTHING HAHAHA Age:22 Favorite flavor cupcake: vanilla! You thoughts on the meaning of life: that's a great movie. i love monty python. What city do you work in: providence and new york What do you think of this photo: GENIUS...
  16. fishhat

    Chubby or fat?

    i certainly think you qualify as a bhm
  17. fishhat

    Bingeing: The Dirty Little Secret of the Fat Community?

    I don't know how much my experience counts in a thread like this, but maybe it will shed some light on why people turn to eating (or lack thereof). When I'm stressed out or sad I stop eating. I'll only eat enough to keep myself alive, really. I turn to cigarettes, coffee, and alcohol in these...
  18. fishhat

    To Whom It Concerns:

    That is really sweet of you :3 I think people need to hear that more. I did :) (I actually read it but you know..)
  19. fishhat

    friday night wish....

    I live in Brooklyn during the school year and I know it's terribly depressing. Unfortunately I'm a thinner FFA (with a lovely boyguy) so I can't help you out :(