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  1. Rolf

    The thread for random single confessions!

    Jane Curtin: Earlier this October, Congress extended the period for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. Yet, since then not one additional state legislature has ratified this most basic affirmation of human rights. It is time we women took action. As a spokesperson for Weekend Update, I...
  2. Rolf

    The thread for random single confessions!

    I confess I found the perfect way to have prime rib is to do a rock salt rubbing. So good... Now if I had a FFA to go with it... <sigh>
  3. Rolf

    Nerd Credentials

    The other thing is CSI is kinda like a catalogue show for the most expensive toys you can buy for small town law enforcement. Oh buy this expensive toy that can sniff up stuff. Not to mention the crap its done to trials. Too many people think DNA should be needed for stuff like auto theft...
  4. Rolf

    Post 5 random facts about yourself!

    1. My father, mother, and sister all teach 2. I get bored really easily. 3. I'm procrastinating on getting my stuff together to move cause I'm lazy. 4. I find Plum pudding to be one of the few things I loathe. 5. Moving into my current apartment I only had 2 book shelves full of books. Now...
  5. Rolf

    Belly library (men/women)

    This is me.
  6. Rolf

    BHM teacher

    I've taught some courses for undergrads, and my father taught math for 35 years and weighed 280 for most of that time. He would always wear a dress shirt, tie and sport coat when he taught. I've taken that philosophy during the times I've done some teaching (undergraduate physics and chemistry)...
  7. Rolf

    Tattoo thread

    This one is from when it was fresh. I plan on getting more, but they are spendy and I do professional work so they all have to be hidable. I'm considering having this one fleshed out some more. I'm also considering a Triforce on the other shoulder and something religious over my left breast...
  8. Rolf

    The Stupidest Thing You've Done

    Fell in love with an Asexual girl..
  9. Rolf

    Nerd Credentials

    My creds? Hmm. To start with I have degrees in physics and chemical engineering, and briefly held a minor in the history of science. I was in a physics PhD program studying chemical physics with a professor at a national lab until I realized he had the only research program I liked and he...
  10. Rolf

    Men-Who do you have a hetrosexual man crush on?

    Harrison Ford and Viggo Mortensen would my choices.
  11. Rolf

    Looking at yourself in the mirror...

    My size and my feelings towards it have always been a mixed bag. I'm tall and broad to begin with. If I was Olympic quality muscle I'd still weigh around 200. The biggest issues with me is health issues and social pressures making it hard for me to find a date. I'm not a SSBHM, just 330, but...
  12. Rolf

    Blond men vs Dark haired men - What do you prefer?

    As a dark haired man, I am happy to see these results.