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  1. O

    A quite personal issue

    I am not a muslim but islam does have some strict hygene rules! In the middle - east toilets are often eqipped with a small metal tube, strategically aimed to spary a jet of water to do the clenaing. The water is controlled by a separate valve and can be used for as long or short as required...
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    Never thought possible...

    T-devil, I so agree with everything you say You have put into words what I have been feeling! I could not have expressed it better myself. I too have some baggage, as I'm sure everyone does and had felt for a very long time that I would pass through life never having experienced...
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    Caribbean Cruise Anyone??

    Hiy That sounds really interesting, Is there wheelchair access on these ships?
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    Uk Dims Meet. 23rd March.

    That would have been nice if I had been on this continent at that time, but sadly (not) I will be elsewhere :) Lets just have some more of these!
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    Update on Butterbelly

    I just wanted to add my very best wishes for a speedy and full recovery