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  1. grizz

    Free Association

    All women can be beautiful, it's all about who you go home with after said beer.
  2. grizz

    Recent Picture of You

    I don't post much, been busy on several projects I have going, but here's me, I figured with all these folks taking their piercings out, here's me with one going in.
  3. grizz

    Popular stuff you hate.

    I'll bite, Borat annoys me Never caught on to Jackass The whole emo thing is ruining punk rock Ipod, like we need another reason to ignore people Court shows, my god, there has to be a dozen of them Survivor There is more, but it's early
  4. grizz

    Fave Music at the Moment

    Reggae is good summer music, I love sitting on a hot, lazy sunday morning and firing up some Peter Tosh at high volume.
  5. grizz

    Recent Picture of You

    I figger I'll be the token guy in this thread:D Here's me like 5 minutes ago, I look scraggly, I know, but I'm just starting up on growing in the winter coat.
  6. grizz

    Fave Music at the Moment

    Right this moment, I eat sleep and breathe GWAR, I get this way every time they tour, been a fan for nearly 20 years now. Other than GWAR, I listen to a lot of metal, mostly unsigned or indie stuff, corporate metal hurts my feelings, I also enjoy lots of classic rock, and even some rap(very little)
  7. grizz

    Where would you live?

    I would like to live so far up in the mountains, that I don't see any light but the stars at night, and no sound but nature, I dream of being a hermit, it's sad, but true.
  8. grizz

    Fat guys--pants below the belly, above the bellybutton, or right at the bellybutton?

    For me, I have trouble keeping my pants up if they aren't hiked up to about navel level or just above, besides, most t shirts out there seem to get shorter as they get bigger, forcing one to wear higher riding pants to avoid the baby huey look, personally, I could care less about how people on...
  9. grizz

    The show your face/introduction thread

    I missed this thread, oh well, name's Aaron, 32 years old, live in California. <----me
  10. grizz

    Worst picture of yourself... POST IT!

    I figure this is as good of place as any to make my introduction, this was taken last year afterr a GWAR concert, I got sprayed with fake blood and all kinds of other nastyness, going again in November.