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  1. dcoyote

    2010 Singles Thread

    You have to change your whole lifestyle in order to lose weight and keep it off. Getting rid of your mustache is a hell of a lot easier. It's more along the lines of shaving your legs or plucking your eyebrows. Sure, you can pick up a waxing kit and a diet pill at the same drug store, but only...
  2. dcoyote

    2010 Singles Thread

    Hey, I get a bit of a stache too, but pluck that thing out. It hurts, but it's worth it. If I can, they can.
  3. dcoyote

    2010 Singles Thread

    No. No! NO! That can't be true! It just can't be! You have shattered my utopia! Chicks w/ mustaches are almost as bad men with hairy feet in sandals.
  4. dcoyote

    2010 Singles Thread

    Oy, there's a lot of us singles.
  5. dcoyote

    The HOTTER Boy Thread (aka: The Hot Boy Thread - The Sequel)

    You can keep your boys. I'll have this man. *sigh* Alan Rickman, why aren't there more men like you?
  6. dcoyote

    Dirty Laundry ~ Fat Addition

    I'm rather afraid I won't have kids either, but that's mainly because I barely menstruate. It's like once or twice a year. Plus, I started really late. My mom also had fertility problems and even gave up on having more kids. My baby sister and brother were a huge surprise since she had given up...
  7. dcoyote

    Dirty Laundry ~ Fat Addition

    too small desks- they are the bane of my existence! I hate having to sit in them and I fear people noticing that my belly is squished against the desk. It's less of a problem now that I'm in college, but it still happens. The worst was when I took my ACTs in high school though. I think those...
  8. dcoyote

    The Fat Morality Quiz

    +7 line straddler
  9. dcoyote

    Organize Before They Rise

    Anyone else own the survival guide? Well, it's my Dad's, but I got it for his b-day this year. Yeah I know that's like getting a gift for one's self, but he really loves zombie movies too. You know the game Plants vs. Zombies? My baby brother and sister liked to watch us play it. My 4 year...
  10. dcoyote

    Two is better than one....right?

    Congratulations! It sounds like a lot of work, but it's worth it. Do you know the gender(s)?
  11. dcoyote

    Death and such

    I agree too. Plus, alcoholics are the hardest to change. I'd honestly rather know people who are eating themselves to death, rather than drinking themselves to death. I've seen way too many die or are currently dieing from it. Some I've known were very violent too. Honestly, the way my...
  12. dcoyote

    Rep Your Pets!

    My little chunk. She has two speeds- 0 and 60. I'll get 60 someday, but she's usually in the air when she hits maximum velocity.
  13. dcoyote

    Death and such

    I know I should be concerned about my health because of my health, but I really, really hate doctors. I just don't trust them. I'm sick of seeing people taking so many pills too. I know I really should take better care of myself. My mom's really high blood pressure worries me though. She mainly...
  14. dcoyote

    Organize Before They Rise

    Have Bill Murry live right? He can't get killed by zombies. He's just too great an actor.
  15. dcoyote

    Inked?? Show off your tattoos!

    I really want one between my boobs, but mine are pretty small. I really low cut stuff w/o showing boob.
  16. dcoyote

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Happy Birthday to ME!!!!:happy:
  17. dcoyote

    Inked?? Show off your tattoos!

    I really love tattoos, but I do think some people go over board. Your job options are pretty limited if you have lot. I seriously want to get a few tattoos, but I never have the cash or time at hand to do it. At least I already have most of the piercings I want.
  18. dcoyote

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    I know how you feel. I've been stuck at home for a while now with only the dogs. Ironing burns!! I dropped the damn thing on my leg. Now I have a burn complete with a blister that looks suspiciously like the Star Trek logo. I think it's a sign.
  19. dcoyote

    Fat women will cause the world to end.

    I hope it's tomorrow. Best birthday ever!
  20. dcoyote

    Who's ready for Fall fashions 2010?

    I wear converse nock offs 12 months out of the year. I do have to agree with you though on the color thing now that I think about it. I have a friend that looks nude in white. It kind of makes my sister look pink. Black makes both look kind of vampy, which isn't always bad. Shades of gray always...