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  1. J

    Republicans' debt ceiling shenanigans tarnishing U.S. global image

    mac you claim that europe has a well equipped force is completely untrue in the case of libya... numerous times france has asked us for more support or rhe war in libya would foil.
  2. J

    Republicans' debt ceiling shenanigans tarnishing U.S. global image

    i personally cant believe obizzle wants us to leave afghanistan where we have a viable reason to be there but yet cant explain why were in libya. lots of wtf in washington
  3. J

    Republicans' debt ceiling shenanigans tarnishing U.S. global image

    thats pretty absurd. yea its money spent but the fact is that you can control how much you need to spend. the govt is a teenage girl with her first credit card with no limit. its only a matter of time before the parents flip out and ground her. our government has ZERO sense of responsibility
  4. J

    Republicans' debt ceiling shenanigans tarnishing U.S. global image

    pay off credit card debt with credit card debt, seems pretty foolproof to make money! seriously its like raising the legal alcohol limit to lower dui's
  5. J

    The show your face/introduction thread

    hi im jared im originally from michigan stationed in oklahoma/califoreeway. im 23 and have a 6 month old son and wife of about 1 and a half years. i enjoy firearms, sports, history, and aviation. im not into myself gaining or anything nor would my job allow it although i guess im an FA. i told...