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  1. L

    Fat Frustration

    I guess this is slightly off topic, but what I am tired of is everywhere seeing super skinny girls in this untouchable context of ultimate gorgeousness. It is assumed that everyone agrees! And everybody just seems to go along with it! It is like, who agreed to this monolithic beauty ideal...
  2. L

    Fat as punishment

    I don't think it would say much about fatness. I think that it would be more about 'changeing' them than about their body. The fatness could be correctional even as a punishment. But to punish someone by turning them into someone they don't recognize would be disorienting and emotional. I...
  3. L

    Is High School always so bad for fat people? It always seems that way on TV

    I was really short and skinny until my sophmore year in high school. I was always the smallest. I also dressed funny, had braces and glasses and used big words. I was also the new kid starting catholic school in 6th grade with a full class that had been all the same group since kindergarten...
  4. L

    Fat as punishment

    I have known someone who admitted fat-phobia, like they couldn't stand close to fat people on the bus, had panic attacks about interacting with fat people/becoming fat etc. That might be a spin on it, like: your deepest fears coming true! I can imagine this in a torture/interogation sense...
  5. L

    Your "freak out the cashier" trifecta!

    Leather pants, whipped cream, video camera
  6. L

    Today is Caturday

  7. L

    show off your family...

    this is: 1: my mom and dad and brother and I in 1987 I think 2: my mom and dad 3: my brother 4: me and my brother I love them so much, but rarely get to see them. My mom died in 2004 and my brother is in the military, and my dad moved to a remote island. :(
  8. L

    Do you swear in public?

    I generally don't swear. mostly because I am short and peaceful and people don't take me seriously. It is no fun when you are at the peak of rage and your self expression makes people giggle and pat you on the head. But I recently realized when doing some stuff at a middle school, that I am...
  9. L

    What do you really like that no one else does?

    My friends tease my for liking Bon Jovi. But really, I can't help it, I don't see how they can either. Also Sailor Moon, which I am mysteriously obsessed with. And Jam and Cheddar sandwiches. Oooh, and Chevre on toaster waffles. And Sea Urchin.
  10. L

    *Daily PET PEEVE*

    Being preoccupied by someone completely inappropriate, and telling yourself over and over "get a new crush sweetie, this one sucks", but never bothering to listen, and then compulsively checking their internet pages, all the while fully aware that it's a waste of time. And run-on sentances.
  11. L

    Way to piss me off.. Wii ad

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l_4jITxRcc Because fat girls are no fun. and everyone want's a "cheap" girly with no brain. Whatever! :mad: This is a bad analogy and a stupid commercial.
  12. L


    im gonna go get some tacos RIGHT NOW!
  13. L

    Reputation galore

    I am a noob. *sigh*
  14. L


    Hey.. did anyone already post this? this used to be the theme song of my house.. me and my roomate and the kid that slept on our couch.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUTabf4Tjtc Rock your body rock
  15. L

    My double standard

    I kindof agree with this guy. In general I think it is less an issue of Fat/Non-Fat as it is Personally Sexualized/Aesthetic When we see someone that we can imagine having sex with, or that we can imagine having sex as, its gonna be a different experience than seeing someone that is as...
  16. L

    FA boys and Dimensions Women

    I think it has more to do with forum culture maybe? I think in general, this is a somewhat conservative group. I'm not talking politically, and not overall.. but as a general impression. I can imagine a lot of younger girls going for a more new feminism slanted community, or else a more...
  17. L

    The sight of too tight clothes...

    I really like to wear tight t-shirts. I love the way they outline my boobs and waist. I had a boyfriend a few years ago who at one point said something about how all my shirts were too small. I was shocked and kindof hurt. I wasn't getting dressed for him when I got up in the morning; I...
  18. L

    when i eat/ why i stop

    That is sweet but I will be ok.. I have friends who will feed me if I come whine at them, and this phase of my finances shouldn't last too much longer. I am a veteran scrounger too.. I know how to find the free food.. I am just lazy and distracted.
  19. L

    when i eat/ why i stop

    hmm. Usually, I eat until the food is gone and it usually coorespondes with the time I start to feel full, but lately I'm freaking broke! I am eating really really cheap food and it is NOT delicious and so I have to make myself eat. So I have been getting way hungry and then barely satiating...
  20. L

    "I don't really go for the FA type"

    mm. I can see how a girl would feel maybe that the guy only liked her for her body. That is no fun. I can also see girls who feel uncomfortable about sex feeling like that if the guys are sexually attracted to them first, that its an illegitimate relationship.. Like that they are some kind...