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  1. Smushygirl

    affirmative action

    I don't know any minority that wants a colorblind society. MLK didn't either. We all have gifts to share with our community. Who we are culturally contributes to that.
  2. Smushygirl

    affirmative action

    Why only individuals? In class action suits the money is awarded in whole and split between the litigants.
  3. Smushygirl

    Glenn Beck Concedes He Helped Divide The Country

    About Glenn Beck's announcement, he still didn't admit to using misleading and untrue statements to divide the nation. This "admission" means nothing if that was not included.
  4. Smushygirl

    Are you worth date?

    Who are you? His mother?! I like Kevin, I have met him several times and have sat on his lap. I don't like when he acts like an impertinent little whelp because he doesn't like Felecia. I'm not even sure what was insulting about what I asked. I know a few guys from here that have made...
  5. Smushygirl

    Are you worth date?

    I truly did not mean to insult you. Maybe now you know how you sound to Felecia et al. I just can't understand why all points of view here are not tolerated as much as others. Why isn't it okay for people who have experience in dealing with others face to face to say that is a valid way of...
  6. Smushygirl

    Are you worth date?

    BJ, I get the use of media to 'bring people closer', I do. I have met you in person, several times, and that has not made us closer, just easier to recognize. But I do have one question, have you ever had a close intimate relationship with a girl or boy of your choice and knew that they felt the...
  7. Smushygirl

    Zimmerman emerges from hiding, is called a hero for heroic act

    I covered that in my response. Looks like you missed it in you effort to paint liberals as intolerant. Truer words were never spoken.
  8. Smushygirl

    Zimmerman emerges from hiding, is called a hero for heroic act

    How come you couldn't figure out a way to speak to young boys without saying 'boy'? How come you couldn't say, 'Would you like some cheese, son?' or how about" Do you mind me offering your sons some cheese?' People immediately assumed you were racist because asking the question that way doesn't...
  9. Smushygirl

    Do You Think Human Trafficking (Slavery) Doesn't Exist in the US?

    It's the world's greatest injustice to not be able to call every poster in this thread a moron! Except for the OP, of course. Oh, how I wish I could.
  10. Smushygirl

    Dear Conrad:

    Hey, she got more than most women here, a penis in the vagina instead of the fat rolls. She should look at it like she paid him to go away.;)
  11. Smushygirl

    New jewels in the Adorn Me store.

    Absolutely loving the pearl and garnet set!!! Just fabulous, T. :wubu:
  12. Smushygirl

    Former Penn State Assistant Coach Accused of Molestation

    You all may have to rethink this support of the University and Paterno. http://loop21.com/content/other-penn-state-cover-death-threats-against-black-students
  13. Smushygirl

    Former Penn State Assistant Coach Accused of Molestation

    Roj, have you read the grand jury report? I did. Schultz and Curley were cited as lying about what they were told by McCreary. Clearly, that implies what Paterno heard as well. I don't know why we are splitting hairs here. I think McCreary should be under the jail as well. JoPa has been...
  14. Smushygirl

    Bank of America to Charge $5 for Debit Card Usage

    Sounds like class warfare to me. ;)
  15. Smushygirl

    Link to view the Dr. OZ show with Susan Eman

    Nope, got that from right here in good ole Dimensions.
  16. Smushygirl

    Link to view the Dr. OZ show with Susan Eman

    Hmmm, I wonder if this description is analogous to being a murdering, sociopathic narcissist.
  17. Smushygirl


    What a line! No, it's actually a black hole!:doh:
  18. Smushygirl


    Taint gonna do it!
  19. Smushygirl

    Those of us that get Social Security and SSI Might Not Get Our Checks?

    For those that need a primer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3HlyZk-Th0&feature=youtu.be